Well-Known Member
- we had hopped over a fence to let the horses past but one spooked and stamped! Riders went off giving us a mouthful and i can't trace them!
In your case think horse insurers would maybe apply it as most motor insurers apply "an act of god "
I find it difficult to understand the horse just stamped on your bike for "no understandable reason" , Why would the riders give you a mouthful ? where the riders aware of you and your bikes presence ? without twisting any words would i be wrong to assume you where probably hidden from view and the horse was maybe unaware of you or your bikes presence , then it jumped and spooked as it suddenly became aware of you or your unattended bike, even the most sedate of horses would spook to some degree at something it was unsure of, that,s their nature. an experienced rider is always constantly aware of potential hazards eg. blowing rubbish litter discarded by fly tippers ( who could you blame or claim from then ? ), unfortunately horses being a prey animal their senses are more acute than any rider so this is why a quiet cyclist should give careful respect and make sure when behind announce their presence carefully in advance , most horses will not even know what a bell even sound like so any overuse which may be necessary cycling up behind walkers would cause alarm ,( don't even start me on that one ) horses always recognize a human voice so calling to the rider would be more appropriate.
You response indicates such a narrow minded view I fear you are on the wrong forum now toddle off to the horse and hound forum there's a good chap.