I like cash - I can't spend what I haven't got. Mrs D tends to use her card more.
Cash won't disappear in my lifetime. Indeed, the Government have proposed legislation to compel retailers to accept it when offered, and to force banks to provide a certain number of cash machines.
And when TSHTF in times of crisis such as flooding, adverse weather, civil unrest, etc, and the internet goes down cash suddenly takes on a value beyond its mere monetary figure.
Interestingly, in a sort of related point, our new Chief Freemason has determined that officers will no longer investigate when people drive-off without paying for their fuel. He says, and I have to agree, that they have chosen to ignore the official crime prevention advice of making customers pay before dispemg their fuel, and their reluctance to follow sensible advice does not then make it a problem for his officers and their scarce resources when it all goes a bit Bobby.