A button for the over 90's

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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
I've often said I want to die heroically and in a manner that causes as much paperwork as possible.

Fighting terrorists trapped in a nuclear reactor building while an escaped tiger prowls, and then with a dying gasp my body collapses on the boundary of three police force areas should create paperwork for the Civil Nuclear Dibble, MI5 and MI6, the RSPCA, London Zoo, the Office For Nuclear Regulation, National Crime Agency, three different police forces and, with a bit of luck, TV Licencing.

You’ll probably die singing Elvis songs, whilst constipated on the toilet

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
Perhaps a button thet requires 3 presses, each a week apart?

If the next press doesn't arrive on the 7thnday then the whole thing resets.

Or a bucket you have to kick 3 times, then repeat 7 days later. On the 6th kick the bucket explodes, and the shrapnel gets you.


Über Member
what would the button be attached to ? Semtex or the like. Could be a bit messy for anyone else in the room

I would propose a warning timer attached so other folk either have time to leave or defenestrate the one about to depart


Über Member
....either that or the buttoneer had 'carked' it.
Death is a laughing matter, 'Coz this living lark makes life hard!!!!
Not being morbid, but kicking buckets is the surest thing going!

Although all the evidence to date seems to indicate that tomorrow morning I will (again) wake up in bed and go on with my day. But that’s science for you :-)


Über Member
I've often said I want to die heroically and in a manner that causes as much paperwork as possible.

Fighting terrorists trapped in a nuclear reactor building while an escaped tiger prowls, and then with a dying gasp my body collapses on the boundary of three police force areas should create paperwork for the Civil Nuclear Dibble, MI5 and MI6, the RSPCA, London Zoo, the Office For Nuclear Regulation, National Crime Agency, three different police forces and, with a bit of luck, TV Licencing.

I like the cut of your jib, sir!
Third party involvement is the problem.

Why? I can see it being a problem in both ways to be honest, preventing people from dying as they wish, when the legal option is there, or "helping" people who don't want assistance, possibly out of the best of intentions, or possibly not which is why Germany has outlawed it constitutionally.
On the other hand, handing out a sort of self-destruct system, even with a time delay, is dangerous; there's a thriving black market for medication; once something like this is out, it will be hard to keep it under control.
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