You were not wrong at all so carry on being polite and ignore those who are not.Went and did a shop in Tesco today. Me and the missus thought we should do a weekly shop as there are impending lock downs sprouting around and it may be a good idea to stock up for more than few days. Anyway, walking around it was immediately apparent nobody was following the rules, the shelf replenishers were mingling, chatting and not keeping anything like distance from shoppers or each other. There was 3 in one aisle having a chat, huddled together almost. Im not one to complain, this just an observation for what was to come. As i got to the till, they have a black line which must be stood behind while there is a customer being served. The customer had paid, left and the cashier of advancing years, didn't use the conveyor to pull the shopping up to the till and was trivially chatting to the other cashier, so i thought it would be perfectly fine to stack up ahead. Instead of asking me to get back behind the black line, she shouts across to her colleague on the other til "i don't know why we have these lines, nobody follows them, like this Gentleman here" which she store at me and i was left pretty flabbergasted and embarrassed. I simply responded i thought it would be safe as the customer had left and my shopping couldn't fit on what little bit of the conveyor i had available. She then angrily responded with "the rules are there to protect me!" Ok i responded. I did say im not there to cause trouble, i explained why i did what i did and apologised. But she continued ranting and quite forcefully pushing my goods at me in the bagging area... I was belittled and embarrassed by this, was it necessary to handle this this way? I still don't think i did anything wrong. I didn't invade anyone's space i wouldn't have already. The only thing she could have possibly been angry about is not having her permission to approach. I did consider just walking quite frankly, maybe i should have. Maybe im just entirely wrong?
Im not one to complain to the store and i won't, i vow instead never to shop there again as i have been particularly careful for the entire of the covid lockdown/restrictions. Either way, its pretty damn grim out there at the minute...
Sadly some people are just born rude and will remain that way throughout their lifetime.. I used to work behind a bar in my youth and that was an eye opener to say the least. The best way that I find to deal with rude people is to try not to bite (not always easy I will admit) and then be 'totally over the top' with your sickly nice response. They are often too stupid to realise that your taking the #### but others around usually pick up on it and will have a snigger at their expense