I would have gone and had a word with the manager. The store has lost your goodwill and custom, and they don't know why. That doesn't help anyone. The cashier was plain rude, and I'm sure (basing this on my local Tesco) that if a supervisor had seen and heard it would have been picked up. If you're in a public servic role, then you must deal properly with the public, and rule 1 is that the customer in front of you is what matters, not your mate at the next till or the eye-candy further up the queue. I was buying a battery in Curry's today, spoke to an assistant, and while she was dealing with my purchase the desk phone went. She gave me a glance, then picked the phone up and started dealing with an enquiry while I waited patiently to get my receipt and change. It only cost me a couple of minutes, but I was livid, I think because I was made to feel unimportant.
Slightly changing the subject, is anyone else finding that shops are getting more and more reluctant to give receipts these days? It used to be completely routine to be handed a receipt with your change or credit card slip, but most shops nowadays ask if I want one. My answer is always 'of course'. The worst was yesterday when I filled the car up. I paid by contactless, the guy on the till said thanks, and I didn't move. He paused, than then: "Was there anything else?"
"Yes, please, can I have a receipt?" He shrugged, printed one out and gave it to me. I said thanks - politely.
"Sorry mate, but I'm not a mind-reader. How was I to know you wanted one?" Not entirely happy with that response either