ok..I think I have solved the mystery.
...I am in fact Superman & my bike has a tardis gizmo fitted
....recently my son returned from Germany with a new watch. It has all the usual teenage necessities like a compass, barometer, games etc...but it also tells the time....erm....German time
yep, he kept it on German time so he knew what time to text his new friends over there. Yesterday morning he was home practicing for his concert on Monday.
I haven't worn a watch in 5 years...so....when I asked him what time it was when I left for my ride he told me it was 10.30...which it was.....in Germany.....but in reality it was 9.30 here.
So...when I got back and checked the on board oven
I put 2&2 together and made105!
The real time must in fact have been nearer 2 hours 45 minutes
...so...no tour de France for me next year afterall