The "not eating before bed" theory has been debunked,
I often eat just before going bed as I am usually hungry, last thing I want to do is go to bed hungry.
I admit this only shamefacedly, but I am an occasional viewer of the Channel 4 show "Secret Eater", and I've noticed that the most pernicious adder-on of calories is alcohol consumption. People just seem to have no idea how many calories drink has - it's hilarious, they go on and on about eating salads and then are filmed downing 16 tequilas on a night out. I've often thought it would be better named "secret drinkers".
This might come in handy:
eg 1 pint of 4% alcohol beer = 182 calories and 2.3 units.
By the way, OP, if you're not a drinker I hope you don't think I'm implying you're an old lush. Just posting useful facts!
Porridge once a day and you'll lose weight in no time.
Just porridge? nothing else you would certainly lose weight but it would not be advisable.Porridge once a day and you'll lose weight in no time.
Muscle is a lot more dense than fat, so it's possible to get heavier and fitter at the same time!
At present i am clocking up 200plus miles a week and my weight is increasing. I eat too much!
Not true - I eat porridge every day with a banana for breakfast. I've put on a stone since christmas!!! Its everything else that I eat after the porridge thats the problem.
Cycle more, eat less and eat healthier. Oh yes, and cut right back on the booze.
Then watch the weight drop off.
Cutting back on booze!! Might has well just cut my back.
Im drunk most weekends and I still get to do lots of cycling. Im also skinny. Done well over 100 miles in the last week. Far less than a lot of people but considerably more for me personally. The weather is 100% the reason for it tho. I do wonder how fit I would be without the drink.
The only suggestion that seems to make sense, as I know my own metabolism, is the drinking thing? Never been overweight and always well within accepted body mass index. Yet I have not worked since February and have gotten into the nice habit of having a couple of glasses of wine each evening. On top of not smoking I would say this is probably the answer. I'm 5' 7" and weigh 11 stone 4lbs, which is an increase of between 4 and 6 pounds?
Some will ask if I haven't worked since February, why I'm not getting out on the bike more, but the amount of running around, attending interviews, getting ready for interviews, searching for jobs ...... the day is over quickly, and sometimes I'm away for a couple of days as part of this regime.