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Fuelled with Jelly Babies
South Wales
A few new members appearing on here on the beginners forum lately asking about bikes for keeping fit/losing weight on.

Purely to give people some encouragement(I,m not boasting at all you understand :-) ) Since march 09 when I started regular cycling and improved my diet a bit I am now 4 stone lighter :-) :-)

I still eat lots ,just try to avoid fatty or sugary stuff ,lots of improvements I can make to the diet still but I change my diet very gradually one small step at a time and dont ban anything because that just makes me want it more. The odd biscuit/pint/donut isnt going to matter.

Use the bike as much as possible for practical things like commuting shopping etc a hybrid with panniers and racks is ideal then it becomes part of your life rather than a hobby that you may get fed up with.(If you can afford it a second bike for fun weekend riding will soon be on the horizon,mines a Scott Speedster)

Good luck to everyone on a similar road.
Well done that man (or woman)
Ive always thought fat people carrying alot of weight must be incredibly fit to be able to carry that weight around with them 24/7

I bet you would notice it if you carried 56lb of lard in your panniers :biggrin:


Somerset UK
Very good.

I've always ridden a bike but can still put on the weight. First line of defence is more miles and less calories in the food!

Agree totally about the bike types. The most important one is the everyday one. If it's just the normal local transport it's amazing how many miles get done on it, and it burns extra fat when its full of shopping!


Fuelled with Jelly Babies
South Wales
lifeson said:
Well done that man (or woman)
Ive always thought fat people carrying alot of weight must be incredibly fit to be able to carry that weight around with them 24/7

I bet you would notice it if you carried 56lb of lard in your panniers :biggrin:

Funny you should say that ,we get 25 liter cans of oil in work Which occasionally have to be carried down a long flight of steps then the same amount of old used oil carried back up.Last time I did this it crossed my mind that I used to carry more than that all the tiime.Amazing how the body adapts.

PS Im a male banjo and thanks to everyone for the encouragement. :-)


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Well done indeed:smile:. I've shifted a mere one stone over the last... well, more than a year, very slow, but for that reason I think, a sustainable effort (well, that's my excuse anyway).

Moving from working at home most days to commuting every day, if only 3 miles total, has helped I reckon. That and trying to cut down my portions a bit.


The older I get, the faster I used to be ...
Well done Banjo! Since cycling more (and more) and (perhaps more importantly) giving up alcohol, I have lost almost 21/2 stone, from 12stone 8lbs down to 10 stone 01/2lb - not that impressive perhaps, but actually a 20% weight loss, and only about 1/2 stone heavier than my teenage weight. (62 now). The loss has slowed right down recently, but the trend is still downward, and I am heading towards that 91/2 stone target!
Well done!

If you have lost 56LB overall and taken up cycling, you probably have added a good half a stone in muscle so your fat loss will be a fair bit more.

Well done on that and for getting through the jungle of silly fad diets and seeing it is just down to too much fat, sugar and booze along with not burning up enough energy consumed.
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