Preston, Lancashire area - out on the Guild Wheel today, I decided to go up to Broughton and have a bimble around there before coming back via Lidl. About 50 yards off the Guild Wheel path - opposite a main bus stop - there's a lovely little cafe which is a local enterprise with just one paid employee and volunteer help. Called the Tollbar Cottage Cafe, its on the old A6 and is owned by the Broughton Parish Council with the help of Lottery funding. It opened in October last year and is open from 10am - 2pm Monday to Saturday, they hope to take on a couple more paid employees and extend the hours as the year advances. There is indoor seating - with huge windows so you can see out into the enclosed yard/garden where there are also tables and, get this, proper bike stands to lock your bikes to. Apparently they do a good fry up or so two blokes told me who were walking their dogs as I was leaving. I just had coffee and a deliciously moist lemon sponge cake.
Photos will be attached soon and if I can work out how to do it, I'll put a marker on the map.
Edit p how do I put a marker on the map? I don't 'do' google maps; I can see on one of the layers that the cafe is already on the standard map but it's not got a 'member's marking' on the CC map.