2024 Races with Spoilers !

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Legendary Member
Get a bet on their kid being a world champion lol

Casper Cavenish and Little Poglet! What a generation to look forward to!


Über Member
Great win for Pog, had to laugh at some of the commentary "I think this is to early, anyone who goes out early and I mean 2 laps early not 4 laps gets caught," also liked the way he let them cut his lead on the last big climb just to keep it interesting. 😉


Kilometre nibbler
I wasn't watching at the time of the attack. Given the lack of radios how did Tratnik know that Pog was on his way, and that he should drop back and help him? Did he only drop back when Pog came in sight? Was there a car up there?
I wasn't watching at the time of the attack. Given the lack of radios how did Tratnik know that Pog was on his way, and that he should drop back and help him? Did he only drop back when Pog came in sight? Was there a car up there?

It's not 100% clear, but just about everyone is saying a team member/helper at the roadside. So far, no-one has expressed surprise at this.

(It's also not 100% clear to me just how much difference Tratnik really made, in the long run. Pog could have caught the break anyway. Sure, it saved him some energy - on the other hand, maybe just ONE Slovenian would have got some help from the group. Tratnik did play a great part in the story arc!!

I'm also with Boardman, in that if you'd already worked in the break to stay away, why stop working with Pog? There's still two medals up for grabs. )

EDIT: today the story has changed a little! seems Jan got the time gaps from the Neutral Moto, and decided he should wait for the marauding Pog. No "Team Orders" involved (at least not during the race).
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