Five weeks from yesterday is my first audax of the year. I still haven't done another ftp test, but zwift has increased their estimate of my ftp. It has gone 200 (test) -> 218 -> 224 -> 235 since early December. Weight stubbornly refusing to shift. Working away and some family meals haven't helped, so I've only lost 1kilo since Christmas.
On the positive side I'm working more consistently than I've ever done. I've done at least 4 sessions a week since early November, generally 5. I do one workout which is 80 minutes at 70% of FTP and even though the wattage has increased as my FTP has increased my average heartrate is still the same, with less upward drift towards the end.
Going to try to build up distance / time now over the next two weeks, hopefully with some decent outside rides. Did 2 hours on the turbo yesterday, which is my longest indoor session yet.