Hmm, maybe I've realised the problem.
The original spec was an 11-42 cassette on Vision Team 30 wheels.
So when I got a good deal on the Pro Lite Revo 25 I got a cassette the same.
However, I've just realised that the big 42 apparently needs an XD freehub.
So maybe the original wheels had that kind of hub, but the new ones didn't.
In which case I'll need to get an 11-36 cassette instead.
I can't quite tell how a larger biggest sprocket would cause this problem, but this article states it quite clearly, that the 42 needs a different freehub.
I can't actually see in either wheelset spec where it states the type of freehub though, so not sure how I could have known in advance.
What a dummy.
So, looks like I can hopefully file the burrs off and put a new 11-36 cassette on. The loss of 6 teeth shouldn't make too much difference.