Well-Known Member
No-one holds on to a chain link with their hand to cut it with a grinder. What they'll do is pull the locked item/chain away from what it's locked to so the chain is under tension and hold the grinder with their other free hand.
Yes, this is true. its just that I hope that they wont feel safe using such a tool with one hand. Plus the individual link may move up and down from the force regardless of the right and left tension applied. Once that is done, whether easy or hard for them since I will also modify that one with the same materials - Now they have to go through the other lock that's much thicker (took about a minute for the angle grinder in angle grinder tests) that has also been modified extensively.
If one lock goes through the front wheel and body, and the second through the back wheel and body, what parts can they steal other than the seat?
Thanks for the other advice guys, I don't actually sweat a lot. I find that whenever I exert energy (even if for hours at a time), 5-10 minutes in air conditioning will have be fine again like I wasn't even outside.
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