Ok, we went over to check out the course yesterday, drove the A47 and a few miles after that then rode around the loop which included the "B" roads. First off it was very windy, secondly it is not flat, thirdly there is a section that has been chipped and it is the big aggressive chippings. To add to that there were 2 traffic light controlled roadworks, one of which may imply more chippings to come. I trailed dr_pink round on my roadbike, she on her TT bike at a pootle, we averaged 18.6 mph, two thirds of that was buffeted by the wind.
I am not going to go into detail here for obvious reasons but suffice to say I may have underestimated the difficulty of the course. This will not produce PB's, in fact I will go as far as to say that those who are used to riding drag strips are in for a bit of a shock

PM me if you want more detail.