- Location
- London, UK
I think our performances are generally similar
15.88 miles
Moving Time
Elapsed Time
15.0 mph
Avg Speed
15.9 mph
Avg Moving Speed
26.4 mph
Max Speed
88 m
Elev Gain
114 m
Elev Loss
7 m
Min Elev
37 m
Max Elev
87 rpm
Avg Bike Cadence
123 rpm
Max Bike Cadence
I did stop a few times. bumped into a guy from work so stopped for a natter so hence the difference between time/moving time. im about 90kg depending how empty the tank is. (though ive lost 30kg since I first signed up here)
No matter how fast you think you are, there will always be people who are faster so the most important thing is not to put too much thought into it and just enjoy yourself.
What i like about my particular route are the long flat straights with really good tarmac for me to do some out of the saddle sprinting and absolutely just knacker myself.
slowing down and stopping for lights and other road users before cranking it up again just adds to the intensity 

15.88 miles
Moving Time
Elapsed Time
15.0 mph
Avg Speed
15.9 mph
Avg Moving Speed
26.4 mph
Max Speed
88 m
Elev Gain
114 m
Elev Loss
7 m
Min Elev
37 m
Max Elev
87 rpm
Avg Bike Cadence
123 rpm
Max Bike Cadence
I did stop a few times. bumped into a guy from work so stopped for a natter so hence the difference between time/moving time. im about 90kg depending how empty the tank is. (though ive lost 30kg since I first signed up here)
No matter how fast you think you are, there will always be people who are faster so the most important thing is not to put too much thought into it and just enjoy yourself.
What i like about my particular route are the long flat straights with really good tarmac for me to do some out of the saddle sprinting and absolutely just knacker myself.