
  1. Gunk

    Speedplay Frog Pedals

    Speedplay Frog Clipless Pedals very hard to find, excellent condition with very little wear and super smooth bearings. £45 including postage, Paypal accepted.
  2. MonsterEnergy


    Hello Sorry, i'm sure i've asked this before but can't remember. How do you know what size MTB pedals to get? Am i right in saying there are 2 sizes.1/2inch and 9/16inch? Appreciate everyone's help.
  3. B

    Cleats and Pedals

    Hello, I need help with cleats and pedals.... May anyone shed light on what pedals/cleats are compatible with: Liv Avail SL 2 Disc Womens Road Bike and Cannondale Synapse 105 road bike. I'm a bit lost as to what pedals/cleats/shoes are compatible.... I'm a newbie in road bikes. Many...
  4. rivers

    Wanted: Power Meter Pedals

    As per title, I'm on the hunt for a set of power meter pedals. Single sided- either favero assioma uno or garmin 3s preferred.
  5. bobsinatra

    Entry level pedals for MTB shoes

    Hi I have recently bought these shoes and I have pedals that are compatible with them on one side and a flat pedal on the other. Now that I have the MTB shoes, I was thinking of getting a double sided pedal to go with the shoes. Any recommendations appreciated...
  6. bobsinatra

    Setting up MTB shoes

    Hi I have my first set of clip in shoes. I just wanted to check my understanding of the set up is correct. I have attached a video of the pedals I have and the shoes. There is no real play in the shoes, but I work out where the ball of my foot is compared to the cleat, and then tighten the...
  7. Bondsy

    Kyokuto Pedals

    Does anyone know anything about Kyokuto pedals. I am currently restoring a 1967 Mercian and it has some pretty rough Kyokuto Sprint pedals, and not sure if they are worth the effort to sort out. However doing some looking on the net I can not find any ref to the sprint pedals. Everything is...
  8. le_al_khemista

    Foot pain. Morton's neuroma?

    Hi all, I've always used flat pedals without any issue whatsoever but recently decided to get some SPDs (Shimano M520) and shoes (Giro Cylinder) and after about 30min on the bike I start getting some pain under my right foot, roughly between the 3rd and 4th toes and toes start going numb. The...
  9. Scott addict

    From flats to Clipless pedals!

    I'm looking for advice easiest pedals to clip in and out of? Are the shimano MTB a good choice for my first clipless pedals?
  10. Justinitus

    SOLD Deity Compound V2 Pedals

    Hi all. Deity Compound V2 nylon flat pedals, black. One short ride old so totally as new condition. £30 posted, payment via Paypal f&f or bank transfer. Thanks
  11. rogerzilla

    Shimano PD-7810 pedals now found

    These are alloy bodied Dura-Ace, quite a few years old now. Anyone got a pair where the bearings are good?
  12. Dan77

    Advice on pedals - SPD for road/commute?

    I've never used clipless pedals before. I was thinking SPD may be better for me as they're apparently easier to get out of and probably more importantly, the cleats are recessed allowing me to walk in the shoes properly. This would be particularly useful for the commute. They will be fitted...
  13. straas

    Squeaky Pedals

    I've got Ultegra SPDs, and recently they've developed a creak. Started with the left and is now affecting both pedals. Only really happens with decent pressure, but is very annoying when climbing. Any ideas what to try first?
  14. jnb

    Thick question about replacement pedals

    I have a rusted wreck that I am getting moving again. Most of the mechanics I can fix, chain replaced, wheels stripped cleaned etc. One part that needed replacing was the pedals so replacement pedals turn up from amazon and are now in place. But ... in the package with the pedals were apparently...
  15. A

    Clipless pedals and urban cycling?

    I do urban cycling where frequent stopping occurs and there are lots of lights so I wondered whether it would be a good idea to get clipless pedals or is it potentially dangerous?
  16. T

    Pedals and helmet feedback

    Hello all I am looking for budget friendly dual pedal (platform/SPD) and helmet (each under 60 pounds) I will provide what I found below as it is hard to suggest something that is not available nearby or in north america. If you think that is not enough 60 pounds each let know so I can increase...
  17. Welsh wheels

    Wondering whether to make the switch to SPD-SL pedals and road shoes.

    I have been road cycling for four years but have always used SPDs and mtb shoes, partly because I used to use the same bike for commuting and recreational road cycling and found them easier to walk in, and partly because it was a cheaper setup! They say that they aren't as comfortable for road...
  18. A

    Flat Pedals

    Dear cyclist, I own a road race bike and it's fitted with a toeclip pedal, the problem is that this toeclip is a real hustle to get in and out of which I often have to because I live in the city and therefore I was thinking about buying flat pedals. The problem is that I am on quite a tight...
  19. G

    Shifting whilst stood on pedals?

    Anyone else shift whilst stood on the pedals? I'm probably wrecking my rear mech and chain but on long climbs I'm very cadence sensitive and need to shift as things gradually get steeper. Wondering if doing so is considered a no-no.
  20. T

    pedals for new bike

    Hello all I am almost decided to buy a new bike (Emonda ALR5 or Giant defy advanced 2) what type of pedals are good for training ( I am new to biking) and this bike will be my first bike. I used to do spinning with my normal shoes on. but now with new road bike I think it will be better to...
  21. smokeysmoo

    Large Platform Flat Pedals

    Or combination pedals but MUST be big enough to ride with wearing size 12 workboots. Anyone got such a pedal? Let me know. T.I.A.:cheers:
  22. smokeysmoo

    Shimano M324 Pedals.

    Anyone using them and can advise on use in workboots? So having just got myself a new job I may need to be commuting by bike a couple of days a week. It's not very far, and certainly not far enough to warrant getting all kitted out for. So my plan is to stick to the mountain bike and throw...
  23. F

    Powertap P1 Pedals Setup

    Hi all, Managed to get my hands on some Powertap P1 pedals - should be arriving tomorrow. I've tried to find the mobile app, but no luck on android device. Does anyone have previous experience setting up the pedals? How to set crank length etc.? Any tips appreciated. Cheers!
  24. F

    WANTED: Single sided power meter pedals

    Hi all, Looking for Garmin Vector 3s, Assioma Uno or Powertap P1s if anyone has any for sale. Thanks!
  25. vickster

    *SOLD* Shimano PD-M785 XT Pedals w/ cleats

    Lightly used, some scuffs on the clip in area as would be expected Spec here £25 delivered within UK - including new SH-51 cleats Payment by BACS *will be available for delivery from Sunday*
  26. wafter

    Scored some A600 pedals, plus OCD overview

    Just in case anyone finds themselves in a similar situation to me and would benefit from a bit of additional information.. Introduced in 2010 Shimano PD-A600s are single-sided SPD (two-bolt / mountain bike cleat) light alloy pedals with a decent wide-ish platform, originally (I think) aimed at...
  27. MonsterEnergy

    Cranks and Pedals

    erm.....i can't seem to put my pedals back on my bike, but i found another one off my old bike and that fitted fine on the right, but on the left it dosen't:(( Does that mean that the thread on the crank arm where the pedal screws in is knackered? What should i do now? - i am looking for...
  28. mickle

    Mikashima Ezy pedals

    Did I ever show you these? The clip in pedal is a Time A-TAC clone. Discontinued, I managed to get one of the last three pairs left on the shelf at the factory. They swap out in seconds without tools so I can wear me bovver boots or plimsolls to nip to the co-op, or cleated shoes if I'm...
  29. nickg

    Speedplay zero Pedals

    Speedplay zero pedals and cleats. Have been used by many miles left in them. £75 including postage.
  30. nickg

    Speedplay ultra light action pedals and cleats. (SOLD)

    As the title, Speedplay ultra light action pedals and cleats with covers Everything in the picture included. £105 including postage.
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