First race in a month ,zwift games on downtown eruption, forgot how hard racing is 🤣 . It's was full gas from the start and didn't ease until the top of the volcano . 2 minutes in and my heart rate already in the 170s danger zone for me . Hit the bottom of the volcano in 65th place and despite doing a PB by 11secs of 8.48 crested in 82nd place . Found a group on the descent and rolled to the bottom of the last kick ,rolled over the line in 87th of over 200 ( 61st of 91 on zp) . Average power of 3.1 and 20 min power of 3.3 so my forms still there and ZRS up 1 to 391 .On ZRS my score was 390 which is right on the cut off of zone 1 scoring 270 to 390 or 390 to 530 but zwift won't let me join the lower cat so it really should be 270 to 389