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Legendary Member
Tulse Hill
Such a terrible over priced gimmick. The mother in law got me a cheap white thing a year ago but it’s not loud & freezes you on setting 3. In summer of a tower fan blowing from behind too.

I love my over priced gimmicks! 😁
It's a muscle problem, been going on for some time but never popped completely like this time. Normally I can cope with it and still move; never been stuck on the floor before and not able to get up for half an hour. Was a smidge unnerving; couldn't even get to the phone to call 999, but even if I could, i couldn't get to the door to let them in! Meds are kicking in a bit now so able to walk a bit - transferring wifey still precarious to say the least but I have to keep doing it else social services will insist she goes into a home if they have a bed, or hospital and I just can't let that happen. I guess it could be worse .. we could live in Oz :eek:
Can you ask your doctor for some steroids ,? They really take down the inflammation.
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TheBoxers on Cycle Sim sw
It's a muscle problem, been going on for some time but never popped completely like this time. Normally I can cope with it and still move; never been stuck on the floor before and not able to get up for half an hour. Was a smidge unnerving; couldn't even get to the phone to call 999, but even if I could, i couldn't get to the door to let them in! Meds are kicking in a bit now so able to walk a bit - transferring wifey still precarious to say the least but I have to keep doing it else social services will insist she goes into a home if they have a bed, or hospital and I just can't let that happen. I guess it could be worse .. we could live in Oz :eek:
This is just my experience. I have been using an Osteopath for the last 30 years or so. I went because my back kept going due to an injury I got at 16. Usually only requires 1 visit to sort me out, rarely I will need 2 or 3. I will normally go about 18-24 months between visits. I have learnt to recognise the precursors to an issue and normally get to see the Osteopath on the day the back goes or immediately after.

It is worth trying. I know it can be hit or miss for some people, but a look at something not requiring strong painkillers is advisable IME (I'm not, and never have been, a pill popper).

All the best with your recovery.


Legendary Member
@Whorty sorry to hear about your back problem - I know this won't make you feel any better, but I have been in a similar situation a few times myself having pulled something in my back and ending up lying helpless on the floor with any movement being agony, so I really do sympathise. Hopefully the drugs they've given you will sort you out - they're usually necessary to relieve pain enough to stop the muscle going into spasm and once this starts to work you can gradually loosen up and recover. Fingers crossed for you for a swift recovery, and that you can manage with your wife in the meantime


Legendary Member
What's the plan for this week then, before the Tour De Zwift starts? Are we up for trying our own handicap race? Maybe we could run it on Tuesday and again on Thursday evening to give as many people as possible the chance to ride, but also a chance to iron out any issues second time around?

@IrishAl has the timings list - the first thing to decide will be whether we run it as a team or individual event (personally I don't mind), which actually might depend on who's available to ride. Post here if you're up for it or maybe Al you could do one of your polls to find out who can ride when and we start from there?


Legendary Member
Tulse Hill
I suspect a fair few of us have suffered with our backs. I had 2 prolapsed discs, L4 and L5 and , without a doubt the worse pain I have ever endured. 2 years of agony whether I lay down, sat down or walked. Nowt worked, no meds or steroids. The consultant said only option left was to fuse my spine at which point I went to the Crystal Palace ports injury clinic for about 6-8 months of highly invasive manipulation of the spine, stretching etc and being pulled around by as many as 3 people at once. This plus acupuncture to reduce the inflammation and pain ended up working wonders. I mention all this to reinforce what Boxers is saying, that manipulation of the area rather than meds and rest may be the best option for you. The acupuncture? It worked for me and also Lee has it occasionally for his knee. May be with a try Carl.


What's the plan for this week then, before the Tour De Zwift starts? Are we up for trying our own handicap race? Maybe we could run it on Tuesday and again on Thursday evening to give as many people as possible the chance to ride, but also a chance to iron out any issues second time around?

@IrishAl has the timings list - the first thing to decide will be whether we run it as a team or individual event (personally I don't mind), which actually might depend on who's available to ride. Post here if you're up for it or maybe Al you could do one of your polls to find out who can ride when and we start from there?
I'd be up for a handicap race. I can definitely do Tuesday (not sure about Thursday).

I'd suggest we do a solo handicap initially as there's a lot extra to organise (and go wrong) in doing a team event and it'd be best to iron out any issues first.


Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
I suspect a fair few of us have suffered with our backs. I had 2 prolapsed discs, L4 and L5 and , without a doubt the worse pain I have ever endured. 2 years of agony whether I lay down, sat down or walked. Nowt worked, no meds or steroids. The consultant said only option left was to fuse my spine at which point I went to the Crystal Palace ports injury clinic for about 6-8 months of highly invasive manipulation of the spine, stretching etc and being pulled around by as many as 3 people at once. This plus acupuncture to reduce the inflammation and pain ended up working wonders. I mention all this to reinforce what Boxers is saying, that manipulation of the area rather than meds and rest may be the best option for you. The acupuncture? It worked for me and also Lee has it occasionally for his knee. May be with a try Carl.
I've tried acupuncture previously but no help for me I'm afraid. Need as much rest as possible whilst still moving wifey around :whistle: problem is, my back never has a day when I'm not lifting my wife so it never gets the chance to recover properly. OT is due in a few hours to show us how to use the hoist, so that should take some pressure off me. We're also being assessed for a live in carer so if that goes well (and it rarely does as NHS money is tight) then that would be a god send. I just need to MTFU abd get on with it :training: Worse case is wifey only has a couple of years left if the past 12 months is anything to go by, so its a short term pain for me to give my wife all that she needs.


I'd be up for a handicap race. I can definitely do Tuesday (not sure about Thursday).

I'd suggest we do a solo handicap initially as there's a lot extra to organise (and go wrong) in doing a team event and it'd be best to iron out any issues first.

I agree that we should probably do it individually first in case there are any issues as you say.

I'm on a minibreak so can't do Tuesday (altho have got another cold so not sure about Thursday at this point so whatever suits most people)


Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
What's the plan for this week then, before the Tour De Zwift starts? Are we up for trying our own handicap race? Maybe we could run it on Tuesday and again on Thursday evening to give as many people as possible the chance to ride, but also a chance to iron out any issues second time around?

@IrishAl has the timings list - the first thing to decide will be whether we run it as a team or individual event (personally I don't mind), which actually might depend on who's available to ride. Post here if you're up for it or maybe Al you could do one of your polls to find out who can ride when and we start from there?
Count me out this week, sorry.


Illegitimi non carborundum
Camden, London

This has been an absolute game changer for me. I’ve recommended to a few people since but I don’t think any of them believed how effective it is. I thought I was getting sciatica a few years back my back was spasming so often.
But I’ve now got in under control by doing regular core exercises and using this ball when I think my back is becoming fatigued. I’ve heard somewhere riding a bike ouside can really help with core strength too, but it could just be a rumour 😁
I mention all this to reinforce what Boxers is saying, that manipulation of the area rather than meds and rest may be the best option for you. The acupuncture? It worked for me and also Lee has it occasionally for his knee. May be with a try Carl.

I've had great success with the combination of acupuncture and chiropractic "adjustments" too. Nothing as serious as slipped disks etc for me, but muscular problems from lack of core strength and over-use/abuse.

Now I can feel when things are getting bad so I can step-up with the core exercises (planks and cat/dog), and go to the chiro for a bit of an adjustment and some needle work. :okay:
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