They certainly do get harder. I thought the Unicorns were tough, but nothing like the last couple of workouts.
Today’s was brutal. It was called Malevolent........... and it was.
My current FTP is 244w.
After a 15 minute warm up. Straight into 15 minutes at 220w (90% FTP) then 1 min at 290w, back for 10 minutes ‘recovery’ at 220w, back up for another 1 minute surge at 290w, down for 5 minutes ‘recovery’ at 220w and so on, with the recovery being cut in half each time but the surge always at 1 minute at 290w.
Final recovery was just 15 seconds at 220w, finishing on another 290w, 1 minute surge.
From the 5 minute recovery on, I spent a lot of time recovering by stopping at the roadside for a short while, before spinning up again. Workout lasted 1 hour. Lungs and heart rate were fine, just the lactate in the legs did me.
I think the last 4 weeks are going to be interesting!