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If home from Hospital visits in time ,count me in


Second go on the Kickr core this afternoon and my first failed workout. Bit of a downer really, the Vortex has obviously exaggerated my FTP so I'm now unable to complete the workouts. I shouldn't really have changed trainer 4 weeks in to a 5 week plan I guess.

I decided to set the vortex up again only to find where I had lent it behind the kickr it's power cable had been rubbing on the flywheel and has worn a hole in the insulation, so that's out of action :laugh:

I guess I just cancel the training plan, put my legs up for the rest of week and do an FTP test on Sunday ready to start again next week :rolleyes:

Slightly disheartening but I guess the number itself is irrelevant, its the improvements that matter of which I have made many over the past few months :okay:


TheBoxers on Cycle Sim sw
Second go on the Kickr core this afternoon and my first failed workout. Bit of a downer really, the Vortex has obviously exaggerated my FTP so I'm now unable to complete the workouts. I shouldn't really have changed trainer 4 weeks in to a 5 week plan I guess.

I decided to set the vortex up again only to find where I had lent it behind the kickr it's power cable had been rubbing on the flywheel and has worn a hole in the insulation, so that's out of action :laugh:

I guess I just cancel the training plan, put my legs up for the rest of week and do an FTP test on Sunday ready to start again next week :rolleyes:

Slightly disheartening but I guess the number itself is irrelevant, its the improvements that matter of which I have made many over the past few months :okay:
Just adjust the workout %. Do it @ 90% to see if that is more realistic to your power


Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
Second go on the Kickr core this afternoon and my first failed workout. Bit of a downer really, the Vortex has obviously exaggerated my FTP so I'm now unable to complete the workouts. I shouldn't really have changed trainer 4 weeks in to a 5 week plan I guess.

I decided to set the vortex up again only to find where I had lent it behind the kickr it's power cable had been rubbing on the flywheel and has worn a hole in the insulation, so that's out of action :laugh:

I guess I just cancel the training plan, put my legs up for the rest of week and do an FTP test on Sunday ready to start again next week :rolleyes:

Slightly disheartening but I guess the number itself is irrelevant, its the improvements that matter of which I have made many over the past few months :okay:
Change your FTP on Zwift to something more suitable and carry on the sessions. Should be all good :okay:


Legendary Member
Tulse Hill
Second go on the Kickr core this afternoon and my first failed workout. Bit of a downer really, the Vortex has obviously exaggerated my FTP so I'm now unable to complete the workouts. I shouldn't really have changed trainer 4 weeks in to a 5 week plan I guess.

I decided to set the vortex up again only to find where I had lent it behind the kickr it's power cable had been rubbing on the flywheel and has worn a hole in the insulation, so that's out of action :laugh:

I guess I just cancel the training plan, put my legs up for the rest of week and do an FTP test on Sunday ready to start again next week :rolleyes:

Slightly disheartening but I guess the number itself is irrelevant, its the improvements that matter of which I have made many over the past few months :okay:

You’ll be stronger for the change. There was decent racer complaining yesterday his move from a vortex to another smart trainer has seen a drop from cat B to cat D! Sounds like your drop was nowhere near as great.


TheBoxers on Cycle Sim sw
Yeah, there are a few options. I think I'll plod and reduce the percentage where needed. I completed yesterday's foundation workout at 100% but it was hard work, today's threshold workout was another story :laugh:
I crashed on one of the recovery segments of my threshold workout today. My segment failures/partial completions have been on the low power sections for some reason. :sweat:

Still, foundation ride tomorrow morning, then over to brothers in West London to help with his house move. Gonna try and time it for when they take the last few boxes out and get the kettle on in the new place (I'm supplying a new kettle) :angel:


Legendary Member
Looking to do ToL ride tomorrow at either 5 or 6. Will join group A (the longer ride). Anyone else interested?
I'll try and do the "A" ride at 6pm Carl


When I moved from a Vortex to a Neo my FTP went up a little bit, plus no slipping on the hills.

This doesnt seem to say much for it's accuracy; some go up, some go down :laugh:

Of course it's also possible that I'm getting tired after 9 weeks of structured training and just need a rest. I think I'm going to knock it on the head for a few weeks and just get out on the winter bike a few times to keep my legs moving. I've already hit my annual mileage target so there's no great need to keep grinding the miles out, plus I had already planned it so the workouts finished before christmas week so I'm only really missing 5 workouts if I go down that route.

I'm going to cycle in to work later on the winter bike and see how my legs feel - I'm on holiday but today is canteen chistmas lunch day :laugh:


Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
I'll try and do the "A" ride at 6pm Carl
I'll be on that too for sure. Feeling a bit sniffly at the mo, so need this ride to sweat this cold out of the system :okay: Hopefully a few more will join, but good to see lots of CCers on the course.

3 of us booked on it so far (you, Micheal, me). Come on @Del C , @CXRAndy , @berty bassett , @bert1971 , @Norry1 , @Breedon , @Brusgaard , @Aleman ' @theboxers et al, get on this nice flat 32 mile race around London. given how many are signed up already, could be upwards of 1000 riding tonight. Should be great for setting PBs with all that drafting :hyper:
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Über Guru
Skive, Denmark
I'll be on that too for sure. Feeling a bit sniffly at the mo, so need this ride to sweat this cold out of the system :okay: Hopefully a few more will join, but good to see lots of CCers on the course.

3 of us booked on it so far (you, Micheal, me). Come on @Del C , @CXRAndy , @berty bassett , @bert1971 , @Norry1 , @Breedon , @Brusgaard , @Aleman ' @theboxers et al

Thursday is BKOOL night, as always. Might do another triple races today again.:smile: My only problem is 2 races starting at almost the same time. Danish League at 7 PM and ChainGang at 7.10 PM. Then I usually throw the Bkool official one at either 6 PM or 8 PM into the mix. :sweat:


Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
Thursday is BKOOL night, as always. Might do another triple races today again.:smile: My only problem is 2 races starting at almost the same time. Danish League at 7 PM and ChainGang at 7.10 PM. Then I usually throw the Bkool official one at either 6 PM or 8 PM into the mix. :sweat:
The ToL ride (in group A) is 31 miles, so a good 1hr 30 mins for me (1hr 20 mins for you?) so if you joined us you may not make the start of either Danish league or Bkool chaingang :sad: Shame, would have been interesting to see if you faster biys could actually have lapped us slower riders on the flat London course. I'm certainly expecting Paul to be getting pretty close to lapping me tonight :eek:
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