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I'd disagree about needing a higher cadence for a longer ride, my cadence drops the longer I ride for as the intensity also drops. My longest ride to date my cadence was around 70, whereas yesterday for the GCN race it was over 100 and commuting it sits around 85-90.

That's the reason to have a high cadence for longer rides. I start out at 95rpm but by the end of the day I can let cadence taper and still be able to keep going. If you start at 70 rpm, there is good chance your legs could be knackered. If you've got experience and already built stamina then if it feels comfortable start at a lower cadence.
Well taking part in that 52k TT after that race lace night wasn’t one of my better ideas:wacko:
That bloody hill 6 times xx(


You might find a pack doesn't help. It'll be good to get you some momentum into the climb but you don't want many riders on the actual climb slowing you down. Not sure if others have noticed, but sometimes you get sucked into a draft you don't want to get into - I get this when in a fast group catching slower riders in races - sometime I get caught in the slow riders draft and the pack shoots past, leaving me behind. I've learnt as I get to a slower rider I have to increase power to get past them and not slow me down. Same for this hill. A few times I've been going up at say 12kph, then reach a slower rider and latch on to their wheel slowing me to (say) 10kph. I then slowly edge past them but have lost all momentum. Clearly a little bug in Zwift but now I know it's there it's one i can try to compensate for.

This is why, if, I'm in a group hitting that climb I make a run from the back just as the road starts to pick up. Then I'm hitting the front of the group by the time the road gets to 8%. Then, the only people in front of me will be those stronger who are coming past me, rather than those I'm catching and slowing me down.

Looking forward to your sub 60 seconds sprint up the hill :thumbsup:
I think the zwiftinsider guys call that the "sticky draft". The recommendation is to surge your power as you come up on a slower rider.

For the Innsbruck ring climb, I'm finding it's ever-so-slightly too long to just power up that I have to sit down and spin. I've not paid enough attention to the course to figure out the best way to recover between iterations of that climb. I think it's ultimately going to boil down to expend the most power on the steepest part -- while working hard enough on the 4% section to not get dropped before the steep part. If you blow up before the top, you're toast.


I try to keep cadence between 85 and 95. When i get to 70 the legs fatigue quickly. 60 and the kickr slips :banghead:
I've got a sweet spot in the upper 60s/low 70s and another in the mid 80s. Interestingly though my best races (power wise) have been north of 90. It's just so damn hard for me to keep that cadence -- it only seems to happen racing.


Final ZA2018 ride today -- TT on the Innsbruck ring course. Guessed it'd take 25-30 minutes so I ought to be able to ride it a bit over FTP if I could keep the concentration up. TT format, so no drafting and thus no incentive to hit the gas hard and get in with a group. Figured I was doing pretty good staying in the right power range, with the exception of the hill where I wanted to surge hard. After the second time up, I had to rest a bit on the downhill sections, so I'm sure the accumulation of 0s was not good for the average power #s. Didn't realize the race finish was not the finish line on the course, so I crossed without hitting the gas for a sprint. Oh well. Got an FTP upgrade from Zwift, right into the range I expected -- 235 which is about a 5% bump over where I was when I started ZA '18, but still well below where I was before the embolism.

Expecting to be racing regularly again now that ZA is done. I'll be bringing up the rear of C as I continue my recovery.


I've got a sweet spot in the upper 60s/low 70s and another in the mid 80s. Interestingly though my best races (power wise) have been north of 90. It's just so damn hard for me to keep that cadence -- it only seems to happen racing.

Spend a winter training with cadence, less racing, more technique


Anyone else watch this machine. :boxing:
Think I was a little bit slower last night :blush:


Yes, Dennis was a monster yesterday. This years results have marked him as the best TT rider with lots of wins. The way he powered up the climb compared to everyone else. It was close with him and Domoulin on the flat first part, but Domoulin looked weak rocking up the climb in comparison. I thought he looked skinny compared to early on this year-maybe too much weight lost too quickly?

Well deserved Worlds TT win for Rohan Dennis, long time overdue.


Dennis ride was almost humiliation, i mean Dumoulin is not that bad. or is he from now on???. Dumoulin barely keep his second position.


Ive tried a new Active USB lead now to see if theres an improvement in Ant+ signal. There is about 1% improvement in receiver dropouts, so that's better :smile:

I also had a little test up Hugel to see what is a comfortable wattage without killing myself. A high cadence 400W average gives a time 1.19. That should do for a race. :biggrin:
Ive tried a new Active USB lead now to see if theres an improvement in Ant+ signal. There is about 1% improvement in receiver dropouts, so that's better :smile:

I also had a little test up Hugel to see what is a comfortable wattage without killing myself. A high cadence 400W average gives a time 1.19. That should do for a race. :biggrin:
I might get one of them leads if it gives you 400 watts :okay:


TheBoxers on Cycle Sim sw
Ive tried a new Active USB lead now to see if theres an improvement in Ant+ signal. There is about 1% improvement in receiver dropouts, so that's better :smile:

I also had a little test up Hugel to see what is a comfortable wattage without killing myself. A high cadence 400W average gives a time 1.19. That should do for a race. :biggrin:
How's the climb?
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