That race you did last night wasn't a ZRS race so unless I'm missing something it wouldn't have had any affect on yours (or anyone else's) ZRS score would it?
That's right. It's only the Zwift Labs ZRS races that affect your ZRS score while ZRS is in the test phase.
The only other factor is the seed score, where any race or ride can push up your seed score based on 30s and 10m efforts. There's been a number of people complaining about seed score, similar to the comments from
@Whorty above.
I disagree with this. There's been a long history of sandbagging with the CE system in Zwift, where people have controlled their average power and unleashed a big sprint to win or podium. To be fair, there's a weight issue at play here as well, which pulls their w/kg down below a cat boundary. The same issue works against people like me, whose lighter weight gets them propelled up a category, even when they weren't winning at the lower category.
The winners under CE will claim this is race craft. That's fair enough the way CE works, but it doesn't make it a fair contest for all.
ZRS tries to place riders initially where their power figures suggest they should be. Recent replies from Zwift indicate they are going to take a wider set of figures from rider's power curves to place riders more fairly. There may also be more weight given to race power figures, rather than power figures from all rides, where it may be possible to sprint harder at the end of a group ride than you could in a race. I've got some sympathy with this complaint.
But the key point is that the seed is where you START. Once you're racing it's your finishing position relative to others that will determine how you move within the system and the effect of seed should be less relevant. In fact it should only be relevant to stop riders who try to game ZRS. The overall purpose of ZRS is trying to match riders of similar ability.
Of course there will still be those who try. No system in a game like Zwift can be foolproof. And the test phase has shown that there are some issues that need to be addressed. But that's the point of a test phase.
All I can say is that I've found the racing infinitely better in ZRS, than getting my arse kicked regularly in CE. Take a look at the results from Cyclopathy Round 1. The results across all 5 pens suggest the system is actually working pretty well at matching riders.