I feel we're well onto our way into the silly zone here... I can be about as sure about what you say as I can be sure about the 7th cousin of my local shop owner not being a member of ISIS

But there's a difference between this and that shop owner himself starting each day with salutes and AK-47 rounds and personally beheading every white guy that steps through the door
As Andy said above: The number of equity firms, venture capital entities, pension funds that are invested in Zwift is rather large. To say that there's no bad cookie on any board of any of those organisations would be naïve. Me, you, others, can infer it, say that's it's almost a statistical certainty but there are no clear and direct links to anything dodgy.
The primary investor behind GoWoosh is the government of the UAE - that's it - full stop. People with a stake in it are in charge and directly responsible for human rights violations - suppressing freedom of expression, assembly and association; incarcerating activists, academics, lawyers following unfair trials on vague charges - continuing to incarcerate individuals that completed their sentences - keeping some individuals in isolated cells for 6 years because they were critical of the government; deploying advanced surveillance technologies to monitor public spaces, Internet activity, and individuals' phones and computers; committing enforced disappearances, arbitrary arrests, torture and sexual violence in neighbouring countries; executing journalists.
Not trying to virtue signal, or criticise someone else, just saying I'm not OK with that and therefore won't be using that specific platform. Thank you.
The financial argument itself - I'm definitely in the 'it's still a great price' boat. You seem upset about it - fair enough. Unlike in UAE, we all have a choice