It was off for everyone. In fact I thought you knew and that's the reason why you'd decided to go with a TT bike!
My reasoning behind it was that I always think we should have one TT-like stage (we would have had one on last year's series as well but I messed up the setup of the event) and this stage seemed like the best option. It was all going to be decided on the climb anyway, so to have people able to draft through the undulating bit I thought was going to give some people more of an advantage than others - might as well have it be a race right out of the gate.
I knew TT was usually no draft. I hadn't realised you'd disabled the other bikes. It might have been a little closer if drafting was enabled for non TT.
I chose TT knowing if I arrived at the climbs with most of you around me, my weight would have led me to really struggle.
TT gave me an early advantage, which served me quite well, well apart from Harry, who had a stonking ride 👍