If everyone drives around with that attitude, though, we're in trouble. It goes like this: "I'm sick and tired of other drivers' poor behaviour, so I act badly in turn".
You've just increased the number of poorly behaving drivers on the road by one, and if everyone reacts the way you are doing, then we soon end up circling the plug hole. It's almost a self-fulfilling prophesy.
Primary school teachers have a strategy. They seek to praise good behaviour rather than rant and rave at bad behaviour. Catch someone being good is the creed. If we all as drivers applied this to our driving behaviour, by noticing and acknowledging good and thoughtful behaviour rather than ranting at the idiots then we could expect to see a general rise in the level of consideration for others on the road. The only thing you can control are your own actions, and if we all started there, drove as courteously as we could, then the ****wits would be fewer, and our collective blood pressure would be lower.