Your Worst Music Concert

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the snail

Elvis Costello at Birmingham Odeon c1980 or so. Played about 35 minutes, told us we were a rubbish audience and stomped off, never to return.

Must have been an off night, I saw them around that time and they were great, I remember Elvis' fingers were bleeding, they certainly put out a lot of energy. Or maybe you were just a crap audience lol. Siouxie and the Banshees did a similar thing though, played for 30 mins then she got upset and walked off. They were still great though.

All uphill

Still rolling along
Neil Young in Norwich in about 1972.

It should have been a great memory, but he thought we were rubbish, told us and stopped playing after about 40 minutes. Just long enough that there was no chance of a refund.

With the money wasted I could have bought several pairs of loons.
Must have been an off night, I saw them around that time and they were great, I remember Elvis' fingers were bleeding, they certainly put out a lot of energy.

First time I saw Elvis was the Free Trade Hall in Manchester, must have been early 1977. He finished so late I had to ring my dad to come and pick us up. Last time I saw him was in a royal palace just up the road. He finished so late, I had to ring my son to come and pick us up. Le plus ça change.

He was brilliant both times.


For reasons for which I have no answer to I went to watch Sheila Walsh in Stoke. (Can't remember the auditorium)

For those of you unaware of who she is she was a Christian type singer who would often team up with Cliff for a bit of gratuitous god bothering!

Whilst I know that the feminist sisterhood on here will be busy pressing the report icon I did find her incredibly attractive, again for reasons (30 years later) that I can not quantify.


68, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Objectively, Billy Whizz at The Plough (pub) in Northfleet, Kent - c1972.

Subjectively, they were brilliant - Cream, Zepp etc covers. Great Friday night entertainment with my best mate and a couple of girlfriends at the time.

@Sharky is this place still there?


Objectively, Billy Whizz at The Plough (pub) in Northfleet, Kent - c1972.

Subjectively, they were brilliant - Cream, Zepp etc covers. Great Friday night entertainment with my best mate and a couple of girlfriends at the time.

@Sharky is this place still there?

Doesn't seem to be

Never been there myself.

We used to go to the Black Prince. There were some good bands there on a Sunday night.


Über Member
Meatloaf, Knebworth, June 1985 ~ he was third on the bill before Scorpions and Deep Purple as I recall, a sixth form mate and I had gone to see Deep Purple mainly (although Scorpions were amazing). Meatloaf however was terrible, I'm not averse to his music on occasion but this was dire. To be fair to Mr Loaf I'm sure he had broken leg at the time and was in a plaster cast, so the energetic stage antics weren't happening, but the sound mix seemed terrible, guitar too quiet etc. His best known stuff just didn't sound as it should have. And he wasn't popular with the audience either. We had moved right down to the front by then and ended up in the bottled pee fallout zone :ohmy:. Luckily 'scorps and 'purple made up for it and the whole day was a bit of a miracle anyway, as we had been booked on a coach trip (with tickets included) from Darlo, but our taxi driver overslept and we got to Darlo late, missing our own coach and ended up blagging a lift on a Kings travel coach! Then after the gig... well it would have made sense in hindsight to have found our proper coach before going in, but no, that would be too easy. So we ended tramping around the coach park, in the dark, with thousands of others, looking for our coach after midnight! We didn't find it! Luckily we did find Kings again and ended up blagging a ride back, sat on the floor for the full journey :smile:. I've still got the Deep Purple tour shirt, although it appears to have shrunk since then :whistle:.


If 6 Was 9
Rolling Stones at Birmingham Odeon, around 1979. Total rubbish.


Legendary Member
REM at the NEC Arena, probably mid to late 90’s. Awful and played hardly any of the more popular songs, just dirge that no one knew.
Bob Dylan, twice. Both in the early / mid 90's

Neither time was I there to see him but at the Phoenix Festival at Long Marston and in Hyde Park supporting The Who, terrible both times, if I'd been there to specifically watch him, I'd have been gutted.


Legendary Member
Van Morrison on an off-day.

Also a Bournemouth Symphony orchestra performance of a piano concerto where the soloist got lost in the score (misunderstanding, I think, over the number of repeats of a phrase) and the orchestra clattered to a halt.

Bournemouth are a top flight band, and in effect the house band for our concert hall in Bristol. Seen them
many times and they really are excellent - usually at any rate

Couple of days back went to see an amateur orchestra doing various things like the lovely Dvorak 8, but also the Korngold violin concerto with an 18 year old soloist apparently in the middle of doing her A level exams. Her performance was utterly thrilling, but I noticed a couple of times she turned away from the audience to glance at the conductor's score. He noticed and subtly put his finger on the music to show where they were at whilst continuing conducting the band with his other hand. She carried on playing so I don't know if she was improvising a bit or perhaps just double checking. Anyhow, as I said, and utterly thrilling performance of a piece that sounds awfully hard to play to me. We were all on our feet at the end, which isn't that common even at top flight pro classical gigs.

The young lady is Flora Clapham, a future star soloist I think
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North Shields
Dwarves at The Cluny in Newcastle. They took the whole punk thing way too far and were so wrecked by the time they hit the stage they barely knew what they were doing. I left after a couple of "songs".

Also disappointing, through no fault of their own, was seeing Godspeed You Black Emperor at The Sage. It was an incredible gig overall, but some bellend decided to have a smoke in the facilities, setting off the alarm and ending the gig prematurely. Very, very irritating.
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