wafflycat said:The *best* present for me was simply having a glorious day with husband & son, with them thoroughly enjoying the meal I cooked, and then afterwards, they did the washing up, and there was a lot of it!
But they did get me some lovely, thoughtful, more formal presents which I much appreciate and treasure.
I really benefit from using mine, and several other people I know swear by them too. Here's a few things to take into account:gbb said:Not cycling related, but a S.A.D lightbox ( or a happy lamp as a friend who has one calls it)
I fkin hate the winters and the more i talk to people, it seems so many others do too.
So, SWMBO got me a lightbox. ...be good to see if it works over a short period.
beanzontoast said:I got a little remote controlled helicopter - totally unexpected and huge fun. Never had anything like it before. May not last long as it's pretty tiny and lightweight, but while it lasts, a variety of missions will be flown around the house!
Will1985 said:I got a helicopter too! Best present for me...simple yet provides lots of fun. I've mastered hovering and forwards/backwards but I keep crashing when trying to turn left or right!