Here's my trike in front of an interesting woodcarving on the Cuckoo Trail in Sussex, yesterday. Anyone know any more about it ?
I had some work in Eastbourne early morning, and then again in the evening - but nothing inbetween, so started planning. A ride from Eastbourne Leisure Centre gave me a route out from the town centre, a long-stay car park, access to showers afterwards, and all for £5.50 (Cost of adult swim +car park exit token). Apparently all day car parking there alone is £5.00.
The Sovereign Centre car park is next to the Leisure Centre, on Eastbourne seafront (Royal Parade, Eastbourne BN22 7LQ), and the signposts out to the Cuckoo Trail are good until the
Morrisons supermarket (so head for Shinewater Park, via Bannatyne's Health Club /
Travelodge, and head up to run alongside the A22 to avoid a dead end at Shinewater itself (DAHIKT). Almost all is off-road at the Eastbourne end, or on minor roads. North of Polegate it's all fairly well signposted, and at the Heathfield end there's free car parking (up to 24 hours), a Waitrose with a cafe and a toilet.