This morning, faced with the stark prospect of a bare-knuckle-fist-fight with my own mother over the last egg the need for a farm shop visit became abundently clear.
I toyed with the idea of taking the back route on the MTB, but the sloppyness and potential mess / frame damage put me off. Eventually I took the Brompton, going via the bottle bank then on to the farm shop to find it bereft of the precious.
It was then out the other side of the village to the less-favoured egg-monger; paying a-now-apparently-default 10p above the asking price for standard-sized eggs for the exclusively available "extra large"... however upon arriving home I found at least one to weigh a poultry (no pun intended given the highly serious nature of this situation) 63g. Extra-large for a bantem maybe - I guess that's shrinkflation for you..
In addition I've not been to the supermarkets for ages, and given the prospect of the weather turning tomorrow and high liklihood of me sitting with my head entirely up my arse for another whole day in the absence of a ride, a bit later in the day I forced myself out on the Fuji for a cautious ride to the big shops.
Weather was crisp and clear but warmer than I've become "used to" on the commute. Roads had been salted but at times it was hard to visually distinguish between water and ice; while there was still frost present in some areas that had been shaded from the sun all day, so I took it steady; thankfully with no traction issues.
Shops were OK; boomer-central since it was daytime on a school day, however less-dawn-of-the-dead-esq than the local shop. Coming back nearly got squashed by a school bus that inadviseably pulled out into oncoming traffic then cut across me to avoid an accident (with the oncoming car, at least); perhaps karma was on my side today as I apparently encountered the same vehicle coming the other way upon returning home, so offered a choice hand gesture to the driver.
In summary about 7 miles on the Brompton, 22 on the Fuji. A nice day but didn't enjoy either ride hugely, although there were some pleasant bits. I undoubtedly feel better for it having got home, but sadly no fat endorphine high today. Puts me on 75-ish miles for the week with the commute; which has to be a January record