Yesterday: As
@gavgav as reported we got out for an evening tour around town. The showers that went through in the afternoon fortunately didn't have any more friends following so we stayed dry. Shortly after I'd set out to meet Gav I noticed that my speedometer wasn't reading after changing the wheels back to the set with Marathons on. A pause for adjustment and to clean the contacts (the bike was already out when the rain went through) seemed to sort it so I carried on. I had a few other hold ups on the way so Gav was already there when I arrived.
As he has said, it was a pleasant ride until Bage Way where the clunk and an odd clicking noise started. The cause wasn't obvious so after poking round for a while and being none-the-wiser we decided to carry on and see how it went. Gav found the cause at our next stop and it really surprised me that the rivets had pulled out of the stays. I'd expect better from a set of SKS guards that are only a couple of years old. After much faff to get the remaining bits of the rivets out of the guards I was able to fix it with a cable tie and all was good again after a bit of adjustment. Many thanks to the householder who let us fix it under their outside light - it made it a bit easier than trying with a head torch alone.
Gav has covered the rest of the ride well apart from the unusual number of times we encountered the smell of cannabis. Somewhere around Bowbrook I noticed that the reading on my speedometer was dropping out at random intervals - After the ride I repositioned the magnet and cleaned the contacts properly with some electrolube.
For what it's worth, the recorded mileage was 14.2 at 9.8 mph average. I think I've lost about a mile along the way due to the fault.
The house at Meole that Gav mentioned. They've had a good display of lights before but seemed to have even more this year.
Today: With the day being bright and sunny I thought I'd make the most of the afternoon to do a longer ride. The forecast did mention the possibility of showers again but I was hopeful they would be short lived like yesterday. The ambulance strike was a consideration and I thought my route to Upton Magna, Walcot, Cressage, Acton Burnell and back would be good as the vast majority is on quieter roads.
Setting out, I had a decent run to Condover then enjoyed a tailwind along Lyon's Lane. At Berrington I could see that there were showers to the north of me but they didn't look like a threat given the direction they were headed. I waited patiently for a motorist to pass on the way to Cross Houses - he wouldn't even make eye contact with me, let alone say thankyou - manners don't cost anything you know mate!
The wind carried on helping to Atcham then on to Upton Magna (a few light spots of rain from the shower I'd been following but it didn't last long), then got even better on the way through Withington as I headed for Walcot. A couple of polite drivers made up for the earlier one.
I had to turn back into the wind sometime and that was along Bluebell Lane, although it didn't seem too bad and I was able to plod along steadily. The road at Uppington was pretty muddy for a stretch then back to being wet on the way to Eaton Constantine. I noticed the wind more on the descents this time where the bike wouldn't get up to the sort of speed it usually would. At Cressage there was a bit of a wait to cross the A458 - the traffic had been pretty light until now.
I'd seen another big shower rolling in as I approached Cressage and had really hoped it would miss me to the north again, but as I got to the top of the climb of Shore Lane it started to rain and not long after that got heavier so I stopped to put on my rain cape. Headed for Cound Moor the rain just kept getting heavier and there didn't appear to be any sign of it blowing over quickly. After Acton Burnell I realised that one of the times I had stood up to climb, the back of the cape had snagged so that the water running off it had soaked my trousers and underwear- that was quite miserable.
The heavy rain started to ease after Frodesley and by Longnor had stopped so I was able to take off the cape and, being unwilling to put it back wet into my bag, managed to rig up a way to lash it to the rack. I wasn't sure how long the dry interlude would last so made a dash for home, thankfully with the wind at my back again. Seeing another rider ahead after Ryton spurred me on - I was catching up but he turned off at Condover before I was close. In the time since I'd been here earlier a set of temporary traffic lights had appeared. I managed to catch them on green which was good as they were 3 way lights which I know tend to stay on red for ages.
While leaving Condover I got overtaken by a convoy of five RAC vans - seems odd - perhaps they'd been attending a training course somewhere locally. A little further up the road a lorry overtook - I thought he was leaving it a bit late with a car coming the other way, then realised that a van had decided to follow through

. I did not appreciate being squeezed into the side of the road when they realised there wasn't room.

(Vauxhall Movano van liveried for Tipples, a local mobile bar and catering company) To add insult to injury (thankfully only metaphorically), the rain was back - I was damp anyway so decided to just press on the last couple of miles.
34.2 miles at 13.4 mph average (the speedo is working fine again). I enjoyed the first half of the ride. The second half I think you could call "character building".
En route to Atcham.
I'm still chasing rainbows on the way to Withington. At this point I'm not worried as all the rain is going away from me.
The view of the Wrekin just after Uppington.
I've had several very wet miles but the sun is shining on me again as I approach Longnor.
The usual view to the Stretton hills from Ryton. There is more rain cloud rolling in on the right of shot though.