Hello all!
Congrats to
@Mo1959 on your first 100 miler

I haven't been posting on this thread for ages, not because I haven't been riding, but the rides have been quite mundane, nothing to write on CC about.
Until today, when I decided to join the cycling hub's Bike for Good West ride of the seven lochs loop.
Me and another of the Glasgow Belles on Bikes leader both had tried before to ride this loop, getting lost each time.
Well, after today's 30 meandering miles, only the seagulls (loch gulls??) know where I've been!

the hub, starting point of the ride.

one of the few signs to the route.
The group consisted in 13 plus 4 ride leaders, only me I had a Garmin, so, yes, we took a few wrong turns

First we had to negotiate tortuous glass strewn inner city cycle paths to climb a steep short hill up to the canal for the start of the official lochs route, then we had to cross several of Glasgow's rundown north side housing estates, eventually we got to the first loch, Hogganfield ... and then ... the fun starts in earnest
A picture of Hogganfield, a couple of pictures of swans, a picture of the last loch, Drumpellier, were the only scenic part of the ride, unless you are a rare avian species. that appreciates long, wet grass.
The group at Hogganfield above, Drumpellier country park below.
Were was I? Ah, the fun part begins at the first loch ...
Just as well we were joined by a local wildlife officer, to show us the way.
The path to the next loch turned into a gravel trail, sharp uphills, muddy downhills, rocks, tree roots, you name it, it was there.
Dogs, lots of them, nettles, plenty, gates, branches of the trail with no direction signs.
One of the group fell off.
Loch number two we could not see, it's hidden from the route, loch number three was this:
The building old, disused building in the background used to be a
mental health hospital.
To cut a long story short, we got trough another couple of these nature reserves, linked by hilly, busy roads.
Another of the group fell off, her front quick release had come undone due to the bumpy trails.
In conclusion, local peeps, if you had a fancy of finding the seven lochs, don't unless you are a keen mountain biker.
According to the map, we should have passed eight lochs, but we only saw four.
Map - there's a bit missing because I peeled off before we got back to the start:
Mega kudos to one rider on a Pashley with a basket, another on a hire Next Bike, and to the leader, he broke a spoke in the bargain!