Sod's law I was busy while it was sunny and still this morning. By the time I could get away for a ride, it'd clouded over,the odd spit and spot of rain was in the air and a brisk 20 mph wind had got up. Nothing for it and headed out anyway as it'll be at least Sunday before I'll have the chance again.
Started out as usual heading to Downham via the Common, California and Lawn Lane. Up through Downham while the kids were piling out of the village primary school, and out the other side along the Hythe Road towards Way Head. Once the road starts to twist and turn, you sort of forget about the wind because you're too busy concentrating on avoiding the pot holes, and the hedgerows offer a modicum of shelter anyway.
Saw some partridges scratching about on the road verge into Way Head - they can't have been more than three or four feet away from me. Then it's the steep little drag into Coveney. Was glad to stop for a wee breather, drink and snackette outside St Peter's after cycling into a near constant headwind. While I was stopped, a cyclist coming the other way waved hello.
Suitably refreshed, it's a sharp left turn down the hill and the run to Ely along West Fen Road. In the more exposed parts you could really feel the crosswind trying to push the bike across the road. Granny gears and drops got used a fair bit. Noticed there's a new owl box near Isle Vets and that the rooks are starting to get settled in the rookery there. I finally had a tailwind when I hit the 10 mile point turning onto the A10 and then the B1411 as I set off on the homeward leg. With the wind shoving me up the backside, I set a really good clip for the next three miles, until turning out of Downham to go back the other way through California. Then I met the crosswind again...
I could have turned right onto Main Drove and set sail for home at that point, but I fancied challenging myself and kept going down towards O Furlong - the start of what used to be my standard seven mile loop. There I noticed a large stand of pussy willow, and I had to stop and spend a moment stroking the furry buds. Silly I know, but they're so soft and silky. Actually, I was glad of the wee break, as by now I was battling that wretched headwind again, all the way to Pymoor. In Pymoor I rejoined the B1411 and rode out towards Adventurer's Drove and the Corkers Crisps factory. Unfortunately the wind direction meant that I couldn't smell the crisps being fried as I rode past, but I could smell them earlier while cycling along O Furlong...
After that was the bit I really wasn't looking forward to - Mill Hill. After four miles it's bad enough. After 18 miles of a windy ride and with tired legs, it's hell. But I made it to the top even if I had no spare cogs left on the cassette. From there it's a three mile squirt home, retracing (almost) the opening part of the ride. Just as I came home, the sun dipped below the cloudline and I was treated to an absolutely spectacular sunset.
So my longest ride to date, 21 miles in the bag and two hours in the saddle. I'm sitting here really feeling it now - neck and shoulders far more than the legs.Nothing a slice of cake and a hot bath won't solve though.
Nicely done