Took advantage of a nice sunny afternoon to pootle around my usual 14 mile loop. Hadn't been out on the bike since last Wednesday (have been a tad under the weather), so it felt good to get out, even if the legs weren't being as co-operative as usual. Mind, a pretty stiff headwind in places might have had something to do with that.
Rode into Downham, dropped off the new Tesco magazine for a friend and spent five minutes or so convincing her outdoor cat (a feral she took on from a local business) that a bicycle isn't scary.

Apparently my helmet was scarier than the bike, because as soon as I took my lid off, she came running for her treat stick and proceeded to apply copious amounts of white cat hairs to my black lycra leggings.
After fussing the cat, it was back on the bike out of Downham and onto the Hythe Road towards Way Head. Quite a few tractors out on the road today, and I think they were muck spreading somewhere as it got very stinky for a while.

The hard frosts we've had these past couple of weeks have caused the road into Way Head to really deteriorate. It's passable at the moment, but some of those potholes are getting mighty big.
Saw a jogger coming the other way - he waved and said hello, and I reciprocated.
Onwards up the hill into Coveney. The whooper swans have moved to a field on the Downham side of Coveney since the last time I rode out this way. Had my obligatory stop at St Peters to blow my conk and partake of some Haribo and M&Ms before turning left and heading down the other side of the hill towards Ely. The four miles to Ely were pretty hard work into that stiffening breeze, and it had clouded over some, so by then it was starting to feel a wee bit nippy.
Encountered a cyclist coming the other way at a gazillion miles an hour - not sure he even noticed me as he was kind of riding head down and arse up.
Then it's up onto the A10 for half a mile to join the B1411. Now with a tailwind behind me, the climb up to Orwell Pit Farm wasn't too bad. Just where the road levels out at the top of the climb, I bumped into the same jogger as I had earlier - this time we both had a good giggle about it.

He'd run about 5 miles while I'd cycled 12 in the mean time. Shortly after, I encountered head-down-arse-up cyclist again. This time he was huffing and puffing into the headwind, no longer going at quite the rate he had been earlier.
Saw a Heron near Black Bank on the run in home. I was out for just over an hour and a half, had a couple of stops, and didn't have the hammer down at any time, just rode well within myself.
Only downside was a close pass from a local builder's long-high trannie van a mile and a bit from home.

He was coming the other way on a single track road with passing places, could have pulled over into the convenient passing place (and avoid the mud on the road) but didn't. Instead he drove straight through the mud, didn't slow down, and as a result I got bombarded.

One clod was large enough to knock me and the bike sideways as it hit.
The mud hit my rear wheel, which acted as a cheese grater on said clod. You can imagine the mess. Front derailleur clogged, chain coated, rear brakes totally bunged up, a layer a finger thick on the chain stays, muddy legs, muddy arse, the full works. Now I don't mind a muddy ride - they're a bit of a given out here in the winter - but this was taking the mick...