A 3 day ride from Morecambe to Bridlington, "The Way of the Roses"......
Last Wednesday I was twiddling my thumbs a bit; no work scheduled and a rotten weather forecast locally for the weekend - so I explored the possibility of going and doing the WOTR from west to east (having done it in the opposite direction a few years ago). Reasonable weather forecast? Check. Favourable wind direction? Check. Bike ready? Check. Last problem, the logistics of getting there and back. Had a look on
redspottedhanky.com and was very pleasantly surprised to find that I could book an advance single for the following day (last Thursday, 21st July) from Largs to Morecambe for £14.. Wow; a single to Glasgow is normally about £10. I also got an advance single from York back to Largs, booked for today, for about £24. Maybe I was just lucky on this occasion because previously I have found train fares to be the major obstacle to planning further cycle adventures. Anyway, I digress....
Arrived in Morecambe at lunchtime on Thursday after a pleasant train journey down on Trans Pennine trains (the Glasgow to Manchester airport service). My plan was just to do a few miles on the Thursday afternoon, after the obligatory photo of the Ridgeback at the start point:
I found myself boosted by the slight breeze at my back, and the good weather. Ideal for cycling, so I kept going a little further than planned until I found a campsite at Austwick. The clincher was a good local pub where I had a few pints and since it was "steak night" I had a sirloin with the usual accompaniments. Must mention the fact that when I unrolled my tent at Austwick, I found a ground sheet wrapped up inside the roll

, the one upon which
this thread was based. So now I had an extra groundsheet to carry for 170 miles! Essential kit for forgetful nobbers, 2 groundsheets (at least they are small - and light):
Next day (Friday) the weather was hot and sunny; and this was a day with a few big climbs. Out of Settle was one of them, and Burnsall (??) another. Not sure if that was the name of the town, but it was this place, nice and picturesque:
By the time I reached Pately Bridge, the heat and hills had worn me out; so another campsite was found for the night, a pleasant but busy place on the riverside. Dinner was fish and chips out of the local chippy, and an early night.
Due to the early to bed on Friday night, I was awake stupidly early on Saturday morning. I decided to get up and away and do the climb out of Pately Bridge before it got too warm. This proved a good move, and I was at Brimham Rocks before 8.00 am.. According to my map, it should be mostly downhill from here to Bridlington!
On a high now with the prospect of an easier ride, I stopped in Ripon. I believe this shop was one of Vernon's favourites, so I had a delicious pork pie (for breakfast!) in his memory. Cheers Vernon; you certainly had good taste in pies

Next stop was Boroughbridge for a slice of excellent carrot cake from the local traditional bakers (Gilchrist). Then it was the city of York, where I came across this wee church... (WOTR route runs directly past it).
Progress was quite good today, and I ended up with my overnight stop at a campsite near Pocklington.
Sunday was a nice easy day with the run in to Bridlington, although I wasn't expecting the climb back up onto the Wolds a few miles from the finish. I could have sworn they had changed the route since last time. Anyway, the finish line was reached early afternoon and someone insisted on taking my photo at the finish line. I hate getting my photo taken, and it shows!
I decided to give the camping a rest for the night, and found a B&B near the finish post. It was luxury after that tent!
I had a day to waste before my pre-booked train, so rode up to Scarborough on Monday on NCN1. I wasn't overly impressed with Scarborough so took a train to York (I had to be within cycling distance of York station to catch the 10:55 train this morning anyway). I had passed through a nice place on the outskirts of York on Saturday, which had a campsite and a good pub. So it was off to Dunnington and dinner at the Cross Keys on Monday night, followed by another restless night camping. Caught the train at York as planned and was home by 5.00 pm...