Brougton hill !!! Nasty climb as for beacon hill after 80 m !! I climbed that for the first time this week after 10 m and struggled .did you go through anstey if so you rode pass my house I would have waved101.5 miles of very hard work to get my March Imperial Century done.
Set of at 5:30am, was dry and cloudy so no problems with ice therefore the Allez came out for only the second time this year. Did my usual extended loop to get out of Leicester, so by the time I hit countryside I had done 10 miles and was only a couple of miles from home.
I headed south down the A5199 and through Kilby, at this point I realised the wind was coming from a north easterly direction and so I decided to change course and head into it and went up to Melton Mowbray on the B6047, blimey that is a bloody lumpy road!
Once at Melton Mowbray I decided to head north westerly on the A606 to Nottingham, this was even lumpier! Whilst heading to Melton Mowbray I had worked out I should be able to turn around at Nottingham and go back on myself to get back to Leicester and cover 100 miles. However at around 50 miles I went down a bloody steep hill (Upper Broughton / Nether Broughton area) and I decided there was no way I was going to be riding back up it!
At this point I stopped for a comfort break and decided to eat one of the two double deckers I had with me, it must have been colder than I thought as it was like rock (the chocolate!)
Anyway got to Nottingham and looped round and down into Loughborough, I then for some stupid reason decided to go do Beacon Hill, I reached it at 80 miles and thought I was going to die as I crawled up it. After that there was the shorted climb up Warren Hill and I then looped back round into Leicester. Time for a cup of tea (or three)

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