My rides last week: Not having had my own internet access and having had to do a lot of catching up when I got back on I've only just been able to sit and write these up.
@gavgav has already mentioned, we've been up to the Lake District along with my brother and against all expectation had enough dryish days to get a few rides in.
We were staying near Hawkshead this time which was a nice change and all rides started from there.
For the first ride we headed up to Barngates, Hawkshead Hill, the eastern shore of Coniston Water then Spark Bridge, Bouth, Newby Bridge and back to Hawkshead through Graythwaite.
The Sunday had been a complete washout and Monday was expected to bring us more in the way of showers so waterproofs were taken but I forgot about my gloves until after we'd set off. The roads were awash from the previous rainfall so the bikes didn't stay clean very long and I really appreciated my bike being in full commuter trip with long mudflaps.
Only a mile into the ride, Gav was finding his gears all over the place so a stop to sort it out was needed. All sorted with a bit of a tweak and it behaved thereafter but I couldn't see any reason for it having gone out of adjustment like that.
We all made some good progress up the hills and then at High Cross we could see the showers marching up the valley towards us. Jackets went on straight away followed shortly after by waterproof trousers when the rain turned out to be quite heavy.
En route to Brantwood a coach came up behind us and we pulled in to let them past but the driver wasn't happy with that and was gesturing to get out of the way. We therefore carried on which turned out to be for the best as he was held up by a car that came the other way. We never saw him again.
A lunch stop was taken with a view towards Lowick Green then we carried on to Spark Bridge where the next lot of climbing began. Doug got on well having got some food inside him and was pulling away from Gav and I up the hill.
Having passed Bouth I was catching up with Doug and Gav after stopping for a photo when I could see them by a junction pointing at something. I thought they were wondering which way to go but Gav was pointing out a large bird that I completely failed to notice.
The next climb was quite taxing and both Gav and Doug were flagging a little so it was nice to drop down to Newby Bridge and take a break at The Swan Hotel where the rain held off while we sat outside with our pints.
The direct way back is quite undulating and mostly climbs as far as Graythwaite so wasn't quick and finishes with a steep climb to the house meaning we were all glad to stop.
29 miles for the day at 10.4 mph average and a 28.9 mph top speed (love the downhill bits

On our way.
The view from Barngates.
Top of Hawkshead Hill.
Showers over Coniston.
Gondola steams up the lake.
Lunch stop view.
Newby Bridge
Pints at The Swan.
Back at the cottage. Yes, it came with a waterfall in the garden.