Up early today, but much faffing later (not all of my own making for a change) it was just after 8am when tyre finally hit tarmac and I got underway.
I had a plan for todays ride, but almost inevitably it started wending up Coal Road ad the usual selection of roads through Shadwell and on to Slaid Hill lights, before looping back towards Thorner via Tarn lane and Scarcroft, with the testing climb up Scarcroft Hill (aka Hellwood) made that little bit more challenging by the road at the bottom of the hill being covered in a slippery mix of water running off the fields and loads of fine gravel meaning there's no chance of carrying any speed into the climb.
Anyway, the top was reached and onto Milner Lane across the ridge to East Rigton, then straight onto Compton Lane, which was wonderfully quiet with not a single vehicle to be seen today, just two very cheery dog walkers and their hounds.
This brought me to Jewitt lane, where recently I've been turning right up the hill, but today I turned left of the twisty, unsighted and always interesting descent into Collingham, which was over all too soon and saw me turn left onto School Lane,which runs parallel to the A58 but has virtually no traffic - much nicer.

Across the A58 by Tesco and onto the A659 for a quick sprint down to the right onto Linton Road and I spotted something that shouldn't be there - a Road Closed sign. There's been a load of publicity about Linton Bridge re-opening today but was it actually open..?
Along the nicely resurfaced road (it was lumpy as 'eck before) and another road closed sign and then two highways vans blocking the road.
Reasoning that you get further with sugar than salt, I had a quick word with one of the highways people who confirmed that the bridge was re-opening today - but not until an official opening ceremony at noon, a full three hours away. Oh no!

But he then said "Oh you'll be fine going over on the bike though, I think you'll be the first one".
Good stuff, so a quick thanks and I was off, stopping midway for a couple of photos:
Anyway, not wanting to outstay my welcome, it was back on the bike, round the van blocking the other entrance to the bridge and into Linton - apparently the first cyclist to complete this journey since Boxing Day 2015 (possibly...)

Through the village where they were setting up for the official celebrations, stopping at the sign post for another pic:
In the saddle again and through the village, enjoying the ups and downs before taking the right to Wetherby, through a very busy town centre, dodging yet more road works and down to the Wilderness Car Park for a quick breather:
Up the climb out of the car park, and from there it's a familiar route across the A1(M) bridge and into the countryside beyond the racecourse and eventually to the Thorp Arch turning, down to the village and adding a loop on via Dowkell lane and Church Causeway, before crossing the river again and climbing up into Boston Spa.
Along Main Street and suddenly gridlock at temporary traffic lights. Being on the bike meant I could dodge it, but the queues at either end of the roadworks were horrendous, caused by traffic in all directions being stopped while something was being loaded (or unloaded) from the roadworks onto a truck.
The good news is that this gave me a virtually traffic free run up to Bar Lane, where I turned and descended down the hill, before climbing up through Clifford where I took my final photo of the day:
Notice the new
green Garmin case? It makes me at least 0.01 mph faster simply by matching the bike
Down the hill into Bramham, followed by the inevitable climb up out of the village and onto Paradise Way for the straight run to Bramham Crossroads, followed by the equally straight run to Aberford, much of which I nicely downhill.
Realising that if I took the direct route home via Cattle Lane I'd come up a few km's short of a metric half, I then climbed back out of Aberford and headed via Garforth, across the M1 roundabout entertaining the motorists by taking primary all the way round, and then the A642 which after a short climb drops into Garforth.
Dropping down to the Town End traffic lights it was chaos, so I filtered past the queuing traffic and took the bike path past the lights

onto Barwick Road while the assorted motorists got themselves in a right pickle of honking horns and confused priorities.
Under the railway bridge, back over the M1 and round the S bends, climbing Long Lane into Barwick and then the familiar climb almost all the way to Scholes before the drop down Leeds Road, over Cock Beck and onto local roads up to home, with a final loop of the block to push the mileage on.
35.15 miles (56.56km) in
2h 35m at an average of
13.7mph with
1,860ft climbed.
I'm happy with that as I didn't set out to break any records today, but got my metric half banked for the challenge this month and cycled across the bridge at Linton. Absolutely glorious cycling weather as well - sunny and warm, but not too hot, almost no wind. Not as many cyclists out and about though today.
And to end, a map: