I had originally planned to do my August imperial yesterday, but on seeing the weather forecast switched the day to today. Up at 4:45 after rough nights sleep and I'm not really wanting to go out, but I'd promised our lass I would meet her at the Nice Pie cafe so kicked myself up the arse and get out of the door not long after 5:30.
Blooming heck it was freezing. Luckily I had put on the arm warmers but with the fingerless gloves my fingers were a tad cold.
I'd planned a route to capture some squares for the veloviewer explorer chasing, as this can lead to some slow riding or even walking depending on the surface I told our lass that I would call her when I was an hour away from the cafe.
Once the sun started to get higher it started to get warmer and I got really warm at the 20 mile mark when I went up my first proper climb of the day on a road aptly named as just The Hill. As I got to the top I saw my first other cyclist of the day and didn't see another for 70 miles when I then proceeded to be tripping over them for the next 30 miles.
A bit of dodgy riding around Eyebrook reservoir to bag a square but didn't get caught, I really need to get my eyes tested, I keep missing these signs that say no public right of way
Miles 30 -70 were basically either going up hill or down hill so it was either spinning in the lowest gear or freewheeling in the highest, very little in between.
Coming back down a dead end road after bagging another square came across one of many horse riders out today. This one was an oldish bloke with a right posh accent who thanked me for slowing down (I always do for horses) as his horse had never seen a bike before. Gave me a right chuckle, he sounded like Cholmondley Warner
At 70 miles I rode into the flat lands known as the Vale of Belvoir and had the cracking descent down Pasture Lane, only problem with the Vale of Belvoir is you have to climb out of it at some point if you head back to Leicester. Anyway I had a plan for this, I headed towards Nottingham and came out of it at the flatter end, was still a stinker of a climb out of Owthorpe were I stopped at the top to ring her lass.
As I get to the top of Lawn Lane I see
@13 rider fly by the junction. I shouted, but he ignored me

I couldn't chase him down as he was going the opposite way to my route and I was meeting our lass.
At the cafe stop I had a nice large piece of triple sponge cake and a latte, our lass also a latte and some coffee and walnut cake. Gave my empty drinks bottle to take home and got her also to take some pies a well
Left the cafe and headed to AB Kettleby an then down to Saxleby, into Leicester city centre and home.
tad under 127 miles done and rode through four different counties (including Leicestershire)