I was out very early this morning (by my standards anyway), before 7am. Mrs ND had to work a rare Saturday shift, so the day was mine
So I thought I might try for a metric century as I haven't done one yet this year (I've done lots of metric halves, several imperial halves and an imperial century, but no metric centuries for some reason...)
I'd got a rough idea for a route in mind, but decided that I wouldn't actually do anything silly like plan it, or program it into the Garmin. Nope, today I was freestylin'

Anyhow, I soon found myself wending a furrow up Coal Road as I wasn't
quite sure of the distance and decided to stick a loop around Shadwell / Slaid Hill on first, just in case. Then it was along Carr Lane to Thorner, up onto the ridge to East Rigton and then Bramham Lane which was again deserted.
Almost all the way to Bramham, taking West Woods Road to Wattlesyke roundabout and down the hill to Wetherby.
I decided to add another loop on, first up the Sicklinghall Road and then dropping down into Linton - just to make sure...

Linton looked so splendid in the early morning sunshine that I stopped to take a photo or two at the old pump on the green
Back in the saddle and loop completed back to Wetherby, where going past the bike shop on Horsefair I noticed he had some old MTBs for sale for £20. Sadly I didn't have time to stop so off past the race course heading east. I decided to add another little diversion on down to Thorp Arch and back up via Walton (you know, just in case) and then through the countryside and up to Wighill, Healaugh and Askham Richard on that lovely deserted country road that eventually takes you to York. But not me today as I dropped down to Bilborough, over the A64 and past the Golden Arches.
Over the double railway bridges at Colton Junction (lots of blokes with cameras there today, although I suspect they weren't waiting for the Class 66 that passed under the bridge as I went over it...) and on to Appleton Roebuck.
My lack of planning then caught up with me as I headed for Acaster Selby when I should have turned towards Acaster Malbis, but I realised after about a km and got myself back on track. I then took another wrong turn in Acaster Malbis before getting myself sorted (you'll see all this weaving about when you get to the map...) and reaching the ramp up onto the Solar Cycle (NCN65?) and over the River Ouse before stopping at the Sustrans place at Naburn for scoffs:
Well and truly carb'd up (£1.50 well spent), it was back on the bike and down the cycle way. I know this can be a bit lumpy in places due to tree roots from previous experience (and the Fridays mentioned it just last week on their ride from York) but it's getting worse. In places it's making me wonder if I'll take a road bike on there again, although there are markings in various places so perhaps some work is planned?
I almost took the ramp off onto the B1222 to head via Stillingfleet, but decided to press on to Riccall, just in case I needed the miles

Through Riccall and into and unforecast westerly headwind (the wind was meant to be a northerly until mid-afternoon). If you know the area you'll know how open it is around there, so there was nowt to do but drop the gears and spin it out. I'm used to such weather forecasting shenanigans from the likes of Peter Gibbs or Jay Wynne, but I can't believe Louise Lear let me down so badly today...
Through Kelfield and on towards Cawood, where they're doing work on the swing bridge so there are temporary lights. Where we sat and waited for
6 minutes... Mind you there are also signs saying "Cyclists Dismount" that were ignored by the three of us waiting on bikes, so how do you like that, Mr Temporary Roadworks?
On towards Ryther, and then a left onto the back road to Church Fenton. I was really starting to struggle now, not being used to the distance and battling into the headwind, so when I reached Church Fenton I'd had enough and decided to see when the next train back civilisation was. Ah, I'd just missed one by
5 minutes...and they're every two hours on a Saturday...

Curse you swing bridge temporary traffic lights!
So with nowt to do but push on, that's what I did, grinding along into the headwind into Barkston Ash and then to Saxton, where a final stop for sustenance was made at Linda's bench, where I scoffed an energy bar and a pack of Tangfastic. And took a photo:
On and down onto Copley Lane to Lotherton Gates, then down to Aberford under the A1(M) bridge, with traffic crawling along again.
Through the village and then the inevitable lumpiness along Cattle Lane before the descent to Cock Beck and the long climb up through Barwick and on to Scholes

before the welcome drop down Leeds Road (still into that pesky wind), over Cock Beck and then rather than climbing up the hill at the other side, I did something wouldn't normally do and cut about half a mile off by nipping along a ginnel onto the local roads up to home.
72.27 miles (116.3km) in
5h 19m at an average of
13.6mph and
2,398ft climbed.
To be honest, I'm glad now that it didn't work out with the train even though I really didn't feel like that at the time. It gets the second half of the year off to a good start, and it's this months ride for the half century challenge covered off. I'm quite pleased with the average speed too, as I was a lot, lot slower than that over the last 10-12 miles!
A good few cyclists out, barely an idiot driver to be seen and it sure beats sitting watching a box set on the telly doesn't it? And I've now learned a valuable lesson that I should plan my rides a bit better as I could have left most of those little extra "just in case" bits out and still bagged a metric ton.
And now, the map - with added wanderings: