Your ride today....

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Warm ride but better than last night and a cocking headwind to deal with which was unexpected. Sorta did the reverse of yesterday with up to Kingston, through Richmond Park then Richmond Hill where myself and another cyclist had to overtake an Addison Lee taxi going down Church Lane. Then over to Kew, round Brentford and Hounslow back to Hampton, Bushy Park then Kingston, home. 22miles in 1:20 at a refreshing 28c :becool:


welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Saturday's ride, which actually started on Friday evening, was dedicated to helping a friend (I shall call her Mrs B) achieve her first ever 400k. An old friend of ours, PJ, who has had serious health problems, turned up, and we set off at 2230. Very soon we passed someone who had face-planted the road and was being looked after (embarrassingly I didn't realise it was another friend).

We settled down to a steady pace, four of us (including another 400 virgin) chugging along. Dawn broke and we were grateful for the warmth of the sun. But it got warmer, and then hotter, and we forgot about being grateful.

Still, the pace was sufficient and we sailed along in a cloud of sweaty optimism. We got to Chepstow for 230k—over halfway and in reasonable time. The next stage was short and easterly. Our speed dropped and we were grinding along with mounting doubt.

JD, controlling at the cafe, reassured us that we were in plenty of time compared to some riders the previous year, though we were last on the road.

Off we went southwards and the pace did not pick up. Mrs B was getting tired; our other novice had shot off, worried about finishing in time. The three of us made a ragged gruppetto, one then another stopping to pee or peel off a layer, then regrouping.

At the final control things looked less rosy. We were tight for time. Mrs B urged me to press on and finish within the time-limit (27hrs). PJ, less fit after illness, was content to plod along. I calculated that I could hang around for a few more miles and still make it, so I stuck with them, grinding out tired kilometres.

The next section involved some busy A roads, and Mrs B was weaving a little, so I sat behind and further out. We got nearly to Glastonbury, about 50k from the finish, when she announced that she couldn't continue, being too tired. I sprinted into the town and found the nearest thing to energy drinks that were available at gone 10 in the evening (Coke & Dr Pepper from a take-away, if you wish to know) and took them back.

They were both content to stop and rest for a while; I had 50k to go and a little over 2hrs in hand, so I said goodbye, took her car-keys, and left.

There was one stonking hill just before the finish, so I had to make allowances for that. Upping the pace significantly, after many hours of plodding, brought new and interesting aches. Over the Levels I maintained a good speed. Into Taunton Saturday-night revellers got in the way, but that was a brief interlude.

I turned off into the dark again and followed the lane that rose and fell until the last hill proper arrived. I ground my way up it, feeling suddenly rather weary. It seemed interminable, a couple of lights high in the sky signalling the top. The top was a cross-roads and I checked the time: 12mins left. I time-trialled the last winding lane to the pub finish.

One window was lit. The door was still open. J and the owners were sitting chatting. They seemed surprised to see me, checked the time, and announced I was a minute inside the cut-off. So card stamped, a drink and some food consumed, then I had to find Mrs B's car in the pitch black and find PJ and her.

I drove slowly (unfamiliar car, tired driver) back along the route, worrying about missing them in the one-way sections, and was just leaving the town when... there they were.

We piled the bikes in the back and drove to the pub, which was now in complete darkness. We got PJ's bike out and he wandered off to find his tent. I fumbled around in the darkness and found my bike, and we set off for home.

Mrs B managed 388k within the time and is already looking for a suitable event for her second attempt. I get to add a new record to my palmares: my longest ever 400k at 26hr 59min..

Much kudos. What a brilliant effort and write up. :notworthy:


Legendary Member
This years annual visit to Rutland Water and did the full route iincluding the Hambleton Peninsular in both directions. I'm much more of a road rider, but do enjoy the occasional off road excursion as there's not much you can (legally) ride around here. Thankfully today was a lot cooler than the hot, humid stuff we've had over the past few days and a light breeze also helped.

Got to see a red kite gliding over the dam area and this piece of strange fungi growing half way up a tree near the garden centre at Lyndon
Tree with Fungi (3).jpg


Perhaps This One.....
Warm out there again. Up early to get the dogs walked, the mornings are great if I'm off otherwise they wait until 9pm onwards. On the road at 0800, nothing in mind other than a few laps of WGP. Since I was early I opted for a ride around the bottom of the lake, very quiet and cool to boot which was lovely. Out of Blacknest Gate, looped around the outside of the park and back into Dukes Lane. Rather a lot of police on Dukes Lane, 2 mounted sections and a bod every 100m or so, I presume one of the Royals is going to the races today.
Couple more loops and home. Numpty count = 1 today, woman reversing out of her drive with no shoulder check, so she got a mouthful from me about considering looking where she was going...
Numbers wise quite a pleasing ride. 32.34 miles, which brings my total for the year so far to 3128.4miles. Target was 6000, but when you look at it from a metric perspective 6214 miles is 10,000km, so I'm just over halfway there, with just under half the year gone:smile:
Warm out there again. Up early to get the dogs walked, the mornings are great if I'm off otherwise they wait until 9pm onwards. On the road at 0800, nothing in mind other than a few laps of WGP. Since I was early I opted for a ride around the bottom of the lake, very quiet and cool to boot which was lovely. Out of Blacknest Gate, looped around the outside of the park and back into Dukes Lane. Rather a lot of police on Dukes Lane, 2 mounted sections and a bod every 100m or so, I presume one of the Royals is going to the races today.
Couple more loops and home. Numpty count = 1 today, woman reversing out of her drive with no shoulder check, so she got a mouthful from me about considering looking where she was going...
Numbers wise quite a pleasing ride. 32.34 miles, which brings my total for the year so far to 3128.4miles. Target was 6000, but when you look at it from a metric perspective 6214 miles is 10,000km, so I'm just over halfway there, with just under half the year gone:smile:
Nice and toasty out today as well.


Convoi Exceptionnel
Quedgeley, Glos.
Don't normally mention my bread and butter midweek rides, but today reminded me how nice it is to ring the changes every now and again. Instead of my usual trip down the lanes to Frampton and back, I headed out through the Kingsway estate to Haresfield and Standish and returned via Moreton Valence before picking up my usual route at Epney. Took a few lanes I very rarely ride, and it made a nice change.

Started with a bit of a nose around the newer parts of the Kingsway estate, looking for a short-cut for the start of our club rides. Turned out it was a bit of a labyrinth, but I eventually found what I was looking for. When I left Standish, I decided to head on down a dead end lane marked "Moreton Valence Church only". It actually went on for the best part of half a mile or so further than that before petering out at a farm entrance.... by which time I had been eyed with suspicion by several local residents. Evidently not many people go down there. To paraphrase a line form "The League of Gentlemen", It is a local lane for local people.

Missed the worst of the sun today, as I got my ride in before noon, and it only hit 28 degrees! Still, hot enough for me. 20 miles done. Looking forward to a good storm now. Cheers, Donger.


Perhaps This One.....
Think I preferred my ride this morning to the commute to work tonight. Hot hot hot, Garmin showed 37 C when I got to the airport. All very nice whilst riding, but boy did I melt when I got off the bike at this end!!
Looking forward to a cooler, maybe wet, ride home in the morning..


So I thought I'd see what 34c was like :sun::heat::heat::heat:
So after a quick detour into Claygate to take a bridge over the A3 that is now gated off, headed through Ewell, Nonsuch Park, Banstead then up the back of Box Hill
Speedy trip down the zig zags and Mickleham up to Leatherhead and a quick ride past the traffic to the petrol station at Malden Rushett where I downed a bottle of coke then up to Chessington, Hook, Ditton Hill then home.
36m, 2,019 ft in 2:31

Dave 123

Legendary Member
I couldn't be bothered going to the gym tonight so I went out on my Cube.
I headed out to Cambourn and then down to Elsworth. From here I headed east to Boxworth, over the A14 and on to Longstanton. I then took the flowery busway down to Oakington. The old station house has an odd Muriel...

Orangutan, blue tit and... Phoenix? Don't know what Muriel would think!

Past the long horn cattle, in to Oakington and then a run down to Girton. It was then my usual commute route home.

27 sweaty miles.


rugby bloke

As it was the warmest June day since the last Millennium I had to get out and experience it.

I'm not sure if it was the heat or the general lack of energy I seemed to have had over my last couple of rides, but it certainly felt like riding through treacle at times. It was only when I was into the final 10 miles that I found any sort of rhythm or speed. This may or may not have been coincidental with sharing the same road with a local TT and being shamed at how much quicker they were than me !

Loads of cyclists out enjoying the good weather and I would place the wave return coefficient at around 90%.

30 happy miles.

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London, UK
I couldn't be bothered going to the gym tonight so I went out on my Cube.
I headed out to Cambourn and then down to Elsworth. From here I headed east to Boxworth, over the A14 and on to Longstanton. I then took the flowery busway down to Oakington. The old station house has an odd Muriel...
View attachment 358314

Orangutan, blue tit and... Phoenix? Don't know what Muriel would think!

Past the long horn cattle, in to Oakington and then a run down to Girton. It was then my usual commute route home.

27 sweaty miles.

View attachment 358313

What year was this cube gtc? It looks similar to my attain


London, UK
I couldn't be bothered going to the gym tonight so I went out on my Cube.
I headed out to Cambourn and then down to Elsworth. From here I headed east to Boxworth, over the A14 and on to Longstanton. I then took the flowery busway down to Oakington. The old station house has an odd Muriel...
View attachment 358314

Orangutan, blue tit and... Phoenix? Don't know what Muriel would think!

Past the long horn cattle, in to Oakington and then a run down to Girton. It was then my usual commute route home.

27 sweaty miles.

View attachment 358313


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