Lovely ride today, though a tad warm by the time I got back to the car
Normally, I'd be on the L2B today, but my usual companions pulled out and I didn't fancy a solo ride.. Anyway I still set the alarm clock for 05:45 <yawn> so I could get going early on a nearer ride.. I usually pedal to Milton Keynes, but as I was planning 30 or so miles around the Redways and lakes, I thought that the extra 50 might drain me a bit too much
I parked in Newport Pagnell and soon picked up the cycleways across to MK itself.
Keeping away from the busier parts and shopping centres, I just followed my front wheel and turned right or left when I felt like it, but with the aim of bagging a few OS markers on the way round..
I ended up doing a circuit or two of a few lakes, including Willen Lake, that was just starting to get very busy. That was my cue to leave!
I decided to visit Milton Keynes village (the bit that was there before all the new town was developed) and was pleasantly surprised by how quiet and peaceful it was.
Old Manor Farm and church by the village green!
More old woodworkings laying around in the shade..
At Willen Lake, I heard the sound of drums, gongs and the chanting of people heading for the Pagoda.
Turns out that it was the 37th anniversary of it being built, and they were celebrating the event.
By the time I got back to the car, fortunately parked in the shade, it was roasting.
I was happy to have got 35 miles done, and headed home for a shower and some cold beer.