Yesterdays ride, as per usual!
After an 02:00 finish at w*rk, the alarm clock ding-donged me awake at 07:30
<yawn> ready for me to shower, breakfast and await collection by a mate an hour or so later. We then collected two more friends and , once the bikes were strapped down in his van, we headed for Swinley Forest, in the Surrey Hills, for a blast around the MTB trails there. All t'others had ridden there before, but for me it was my maiden visit.
What a great place to ride! The trails flowed beautifully, making for some cracking descents, with smooth berms on the bends to keep you on line..
My Trek.. First time I've had the chance to put it though its paces for a while now, having ridden Road or CX recently.
It can still fly though
There's fun to be had there on most skill levels, but some of the descents can get a bit fast, if you're not careful!
There's so much more to explore around Swinley, with numerous 'off piste' trails heading of in all directions. I'll certainly be heading there again, and I'll make a whole day of it rather than just the three hours we had on this visit
A mere 15 miles, but with a smile every few minutes, it was well worth every pedal stroke!!
And smashing weather as well

Who could ask for more!!
PS If you do go there, the car parking is only a couple of quid, but the machines only accept old pound coins, not the new fangled ones!