I left Erin at school and made my way through Bolton, Atherton and Leigh.
I was glad when I finally reached Warbuton Bridge which is now looking like it might crumple under it's rust. Does anyone actually maintain that eyesore?
As I was going under the canal on Mill Lane a driver almost ploughed into me from behind. Wondering why, I pulled over to check why my lights weren't working. I'd forgotten to hook them up to the hub after changing tyres last night. Doh.
Kay Lane was the first of a series of lanes I'd planned and made the misery of slogging through Bolton, Atherton and Leigh worth it. Crouchley Lane lead to Mag Lane over the Cheshire motorway. I almost felt sorry for the poor folk stuck on that...almost. More calm and stress free enjoyable miles passed under my Dawes.
Very quiet miles too. Except for the annoying buzzing sound of a cable or something vibrating away around the front of the bike. It never seemed to stop and was really doing my head in. The ride felt a little harsh and so a bit of air was freed from it's tyre prison and that seemed to help dampen the noise from whatever was being rattled to death.
Moss Lane, Hobbs Hill Lane, Northwood Lane, Whitley Lane and Hoo Green Lane were trundled along before hitting a short section of the A50.
I'd stopped a few times for a drink and a photo and it occurred to me that there was a serious lack of open moorland round these parts. Sure there are pretty leafy dainty little lanes and impeccably kept posh cottages among acres of farmland but it doesn't (to me at least) scream 'epic jaw droppingly spectacular wilderness'. Still nice though.
Another series of lanes took me anti clockwise back up to Warby Bridge and then almost every mile after that seemed like they were all uphill and my energy being sapped away with every pedal stroke.
Mum had popped round and made me a cuppa while I changed.
57miles is my longest this year and 11mph avg is my fastest this year.
I fell asleep on the couch after my cuppa.
Mum: "Where'd you get to today?"
Me: "The leafy lanes of Cheshire."
Mum: "Cheshire???! You need your head seeing too!"

View: https://ridewithgps.com/trips/14653864?privacy_code=gmx5PZgB8bd8bDxf