For a pleasant change, I had enough time today for a decent ride. Although as I sat on the back step having my breakfast I realised that the relative warmth of the last few days has deserted us again, so it was back inside to swap the bib shorts and short sleeved top for bib tights and a long sleeved top.
So out and determined to get in a qualifying ride for the half century challenge and to at least add a bit of variety to the route. And continuing the spirit of variety, I was out on the
Pro Carbon for the first time in a while, even if it wasn't the bike nearest the door!
So, up Coal Road (again) into a blustery wind and wondering why I'd changed into warmer cycling attire, but left my fingerless mitts on...
Anyway, Red Hall Lane and the A58 followed as did Whin Moor Lane and Gatelands Lane into Shadwell, before the climb up to Slaid Hill lights. Right here onto Wike Ridge Lane, getting overtaken by a Lamborghini Aventador before taking another right onto Tarn Lane and the ride into the wind along the top before the descent down Ling Lane, and the A58 (again) before turning onto Thorner Lane for the drop then climb up Scarcroft Hill and onto Milner Lane.
Straight along the ridge into a head wind that seemed to be adjusting to whatever direction I was travelling in, through East Rigton and Rigton Green and onto Bramham Lane (nicely deserted again today) and up onto the other Thorner Lane.
Now, for a change, it was a left down through the dip and up the other side, before riding onto Thorner Road and the gentle descent to Bramham, before another right, down the hill and up the other side and onto Aberford Road and the Toulston Lane back out into the countryside.
From there it was Garnett Lane across the A659, then the A64 bridge and the descent down into Stutton, going straight through the village and over Cock Beck and out to the A162. right up the hill getting yet another exemplary pass from a Sainsburys truck, and through Towton, before peeling right onto the B1217 and up to the battlefield site, where I stopped for a drink and a couple of pics:
Back on the bike I carried on along the road, taking the left fork down the hill into Saxton, through the village and out on Cold Hill Lane past the cricket ground, eventually dropping down onto Copley Lane for the gentle ascent up to Lotherton Gates.
Here I decided on a whim to carry on past Hook Moor wind farm and under the A1(M), before taking a right into Aberford and getting battered by the head wind all the way into the village. Down the hill and Aberford was gridlocked! If you know the village you'll appreciate that the last time this happened was probably before the A1 was diverted away from there in the 1960s.

Not only was traffic on the Main (only) Street at a standstill in both directions, but so was traffic coming down Lotherton Lane and people were out of their cars trying to find out what was afoot.
Fortunately I had plenty of room to filter past the queuing vehicles and soon reached the source of the hold up - a truck was picking up a skip and was at a 45 degree angle right across the road, with the driver appearing to be making heavy weather of things.
So off the bike, onto the pavement and around the obstruction and back in the saddle and on my way

From there it was left onto Cattle Lane and the familiar lumpiness to Cock Beck, enlivened by a text book pass from a number 64 bus

and a horrendously close pass from an old dear in a blue C1 / 107 / Aygo (who got so close I don't think she even realised I was there)

, which at least gave me an adrenaline boost for the climb up to Barwick, through the village and on to Scholes.
Down the hill, with a lovely tailwind, and across Cock Beck for the final time on this ride, before adding a loop through the Manstons to bump the mileage up a bit, then on via Church Lane over the brand spanking new speed cushions and local roads up to home.
32.55 miles (52.38km) in
2h 21m at an average of
13.8mph, with
1,748ft climbed. Despite the chillier weather and that head wind it was good to get out for a decent ride, and with that one exception all the drivers were playing the game today. Fewer cyclists out than recently, but Saturday can be a funny day and there were still enough to let me know I'm not alone out there
And to end, a map: