Yesterdays ride, posted today as usual..
All I had to do yesterday was pop over to a mate's house as he'd bulk ordered some CR2032 batteries so we could get them cheaper. I was picking up 10 for my various lights and the trip computer. Simple 15 miler there and back with only one sharpish hill out of Brackmills to get the heartbeat rising.
As I rode along the cycle path between Crow Lane and Riverside, I thought I'd seen some movement in the bushes on the embankment to the left. It was only a quick glance, but I know I saw summat! After slowing down and turning round 50 yards later and returning to the spot, I saw a chap had fallen down the slope and was stuck there. His ankle was twisted round some roots and branches and his backpack was tangled in some more foliage. I attempted to disentangle his foot and pull him back up the slope, but he was quite a hefty fella and I'm small (but perfectly formed) and stood no chance of moving him unaided. Now usually it's quite a busy path, but no one else passed by. As Riverside retail park is only half a mile away, I went there to find some assistance. Hoping to find plod there, I headed towards McDonalds. Sure enough, there in the queue was a policeman, ordering the station takeaway.
I told him what had happened and asked for some assistance. Once he'd prioritized things, he finished giving his order at the drive-through window' paid for it and grabbed the bags, he intimated that I should sort it out and maybe call an ambulance.
I apologised profusely for disturbing his breakfast and pointed out that he was actually a policeman and should maybe help? I again apologized that his Maccy D's might get cold....
He drove to where I said the problem was I told him I'd flag him down by the side of the dual carriageway. I got there and the chap had almost disentangled himself but was still well stuck. Plod parked 200 yards up the road, and despite me waving to him, he stayed there. I rode back towards him on the bike path but he was on the bridge over an underpass so I couldn't get near him.
I rode back yet again to the trapped chap and once again waved at Plod. Obviously he didn't see me in my bright yellow riding jacket!
Eventually, it was possible to aid the chap out of his predicament as he'd managed to crawl a bit nearer the top of the embankment. He wandered on his way, and I, once again, went to the side of the dual carriageway to attract the attention of the parked police car to let him know he didn't have to get off his arse and help.
He was nowhere to be seen. Obviously his McDonalds was getting cold and was more important. Jeez!!
Sorry, is this a 'My ride today' post, or a rant...
And breathe.....
I carried on to t'other side of town, picked up my batteries and headed back home. End of ride.
A calming picture of Spring happening.....
With the back and forth rides between Crow Lane and Riverside, I ended up on just over 20 miles and nearly late for w*rk.
So it goes..