Your ride today....

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Nice sunny morning again and what was supposed to be a steady run in ended up being a blast:ohmy:.

Dunno if it was being on the single yesterday but it seemed easy to get up to speed today,did go in to the red but didn't feel bad doing so;I blame the bike:laugh:.

The wheels deffo make a difference as I seem to be able to hold speed much better and with less effort but today was just one of those times when it all clicked(even the traffic lights were mostly in my favour);will probably pay for it on the longer ride home though:surrender::heat:.

Still got to make the most of it while it lasts;

And a little warm down from the cafe to work;


Perhaps This One.....
What a wonderful morning for a ride:sun::sun:. I had yesterday off to let the legs recover from Tuesdays antics, and suitably refreshed set out this morning into the sunshine. Quiet roads, a fair old breeze and a very annoying rattle:angry: 2 miles later, cause of rattle located, and found to be button popper on shorts:whistle::banghead:
After 8 miles I had to stop as I'd arrived at w*rk.
Looking forward to the ride home

13 rider

A Day off work and sun shining what to do ? . Out with the bike Just for an hour saving my legs as tonight I'm riding Derby Velodrome :hyper:.Anstey ,Thurcaston ,Swithland into Woodhouse Eaves and decided on climbing Maplewell Rd turned back to Old John then downhill into Newtown Linford not been out long enough yet so turn away from home into Groby and back to Anstey . 15.3 miles done in a well judged 59 mins in lovely :sun:even if its a bit windy quite a few riders out for a week day .

Old jon

Bright and breezy this morning, the breeze in my face as I pedalled down Dewsbury Road and turned onto Jack Lane. Along to Office Lock for the shortcut to Viaduct Road, and the wind was still full frontal at the bottom of Cardigan Road. Through Headingley and a bit up to reach the Ring Road, Lawnswood followed by Bramhope, with the wind still a nuisance, turn right for the interesting descent of Creskeld Lane. When I can cross Pool Bank off my list, I will do Creskeld Lane next. Anyway, through Pool, cross the river and turn left for Leathley. After a mile or so, turn left again to cross the River Washburn.

The climb to Farnley starts now, followed by the sort of downhill you feel you have properly earned . . . wonderful !


A stop in Otley to refuel, and having had enough excitement for the moment, I took the A 660 back, Headingley down to Kirkstall and the towpath to return me to Water Lane. A warm 30.9 miles done and a little over 1300 feet climbed.


Deleted member 1258

What a contrast to the last couple of days, rain all day, then showers all day and now nice sunshine, a bit chilly first thing but warming up nicely as the day wore on, it was the wind that I could have done without, lovely riding out with it at my back but a grovel riding back in with it in my face. My usual ride out to Hatton Locks. I started in shorts a short sleeved top and a long sleeved top but by the time I was leaving the cafe and heading home I was over dressed. I changed my route back and did the outward route in reverse to get home, and did 60 miles for the morning. Spent too much time in the cafe gossiping and didn't get back till half two, but it was nice catching up with people I don't see very often. Another good ride in the sunshine, and I'm up for some more of those, they're lovely.


Über Member
A day off work so had a beautiful ride through the Longest estate.

I'm suffering for the climb now! Then on towards Shearwater lake through bluebell tracks.


The track got pretty rough so I didn't make it all the way to the lake. I decided to head back, grateful for the tank-like qualities of my bike!

14.5 miles (my furthest yet) and 1251ft climbed. I haven't posted pics before so hope this works.
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Tip to oneself;make sure to put on some sun protection when it's sunny:rolleyes:.

Anyway nice ride through some sunny rolling Suffolk scenery and a 100k done;felt ok most of the ride only felt it at the end as the wind got up.

Pretty pleased after the morning bash as I thought I might struggle.

Now relaxing with a (shared) bottle of red and enjoying watching the Giro.

Dave 123

Legendary Member
This evenings ride got off to a sticky start. Firstly a rubbing mudguard strut, after fitting my bargain marathon plus (£10 brand new). A quick tweek and we're done.
Up near the shop we had some bell end nearly take us out, just so he could get in front of us to sit in a slow moving line of traffic. The good/bad thing about a tandem is that your wife forces you to be civil (nearly)
After that it was all good traffic wise. The weather was beautiful, a cooling breeze, but in the shelter of hedges it was really warm.
We went through Bourn and on through the Gransdens before heading toward Gamlingay.
We took a little dogleg of a detour before coming into the village via the church.
In the village are a pair of grass verges that are done as wildflower meadows, they're just coming good....
Back through the Gransdens via Waresley and home through the sheep and lambs in Longstowe, then Toft.
We saved the best til last, the drag up from Toft into a really nasty headwind.
28.5 miles with a top speed of 43mph somewhere...!


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Never used Über Member
Forgive me Cyclists for it has been 4 days since my last ride...:ohmy:

Anyhow, home from work at a sensible hour and out for a quick circuit on the hybrid before tea. Given the time of day, a mainly off road ride was called for, so a familiar route out to Crossgates, Austhorpe, then onto NCN R66 through Thorp Park and then up to the M1 bridge and the long downhill through the woods to Garforth.
The only fly in the ointment (apart from actual flies...) was the blustery wind, which was the special cycling sort that manages to get in your face no matter what direction you're heading...
Back from Garforth via Nanny Goat Lane to the riding school, then the bridleway down to the M1, where a couple of young ladies had been escorted by their beaus, who were showing off by climbing on top of the underpass archway. Who said romance was dead...? :laugh:
Stayed on the bridleway to Manston Lane, then a slog into the wind back up to Pendas Fields, down to Barwick Rd and up to home.

A quick(ish) 9.17 miles (14.75km) in 43m 15s at an average of 12.7mph, with just 511ft climbed. It was good to get back out on the bike after a few days where work has ruled it out. Sorry, no pics today - but here is a map:


Salty seadog

Space Cadet...(3rd Class...)
Today's ride was the Hop Garden 200km Audax from Meopham in Kent. I cycled to the start, a ride of 15 miles to meet up with @martint235 of this parish. At 6.30am the weather was absolutely glorious. Very close to home I took this pic (in fact, the only pic I took today - sorry).

What you can see is the whole of London in the distance. the tall white spire on the left is the Shard, to the right of it are the tower-blocks of Bishopsgate, The Cheesegrater, The Gherkin, Walkie Talkie etc. The tower blocks to the right of the pic are at Canary Wharf in the Docklands.
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Today was going to be a hard ride. The first and last 3rds are especially hilly, made even more harder with the blazing sunshine and high temperatures. Before leaving I grabbed Ianrauk Jnrs factor 50 and splashed it all over, and a good thing I did too.

We were making very good progress but just before our lunch stop in Hythe, Martin started suffering from cramps in the legs and hands. We though a nice fried brekkie would help sort it but it wasn't to be. Martin had to stop every now and again to massage his legs to help get them working. He managed to get to mile 85 and decided the best thing to do was bail. He was in pain and he knew he was holding me up. He made his way to a train station whilst I jumped on the wheels of some other riders (a couple we rode with on the same ride last year), and some riders jumping on my wheel. By now it was really hot out there. I'm not one for drinking lots of fluids on rides but today I forced myself. At the next 2 food controls buying can's of coke and refilling my bidon. But I got round, chatting to a good few other rides including a chap over from Dubai (I stopped moaning about the heat then, :smile: ) and an amazing 80 year old on the shorter 160km ride. I was gobsmacked at his speed for his age. Chapeu Sir.

The last 25 miles of the Audax were really tough, including the climbs of Red Hill and the absolute mare they call Birling Hill.. a beast of a climb..made even more so by the hot conditions. Once over Birling it's mainly 5 or so miles downhill to the end control.

Audax card handed in and checked, a quick cup of tea and another refill of the bidon and it was a fair pootle of 15 miles to home to a nice big plate of Mrs Ian's home made cottage pie and copious mugs of tea..

So.. 163 hot and hard miles for the day. It's going to be an interesting commute tomorrow as my legs really are complaining.
Century ride # 11 for 2016, # 177 over all... oh yes, a new Eddington number to boot. Sorry there are no pics, the route of this Audax take in some really stunning views.

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Down to my neck of the woods old bean, some great lanes down here.....not as blessed as some on here but some great countryside none the less. Chapeau for the ride, I rarely get over 45-50miles.


Legendary Member
One of the worst days in 17 years of my working life today, due to the rubbish side of management (interviewing, not appointing and informing some of my team they weren't successful) meant desperate need of a ride this evening. I've had a sore leg this week, with a massive bruise that now stretches from the middle of my calf to my heel, due to inadvertently volleying a cricket ball on my shin during a match last Sunday :B) and its still painful so didn't get great speed up!

Lovely warm sunny evening, but gusty winds. Started through Bayston Hill, having to negotiate roadworks on Pulley Lane (Shrewsbury has an outbreak of them everywhere at the moment) up Lyth Hill and down to Exfords Green, then on to dads via the lanes, including a moment where a chap in a Merc waited patiently on a narrow section for me to pass him, and he gave me a big smile and cheery wave :okay:.

Had a chat to dad and then set out again, up the narrow lane to the A49, where I met my brother in his car and stopped for a chat through the window.

Crossed the A49 and turned into the wind to Condover, Betton and then through more roadworks to home.

15.4 much needed miles

13 rider

Second ride today was second session on Derby Velodrome . This time never thought about a fixed wheel and a lot more confident on the track. This session was a bit more structured then the first one . We did chain ganging with peeling off the front as in team pursuit and instead of riding 3 bike lengths apart we got down to a wheel length . We also rode in pairs side by side touching elbows :eek: you need faith in your partner who I never met :eek: before and then swapped sides one riding accelerating and swapping sides .
Really enjoyed it ^_^ now I have decided wether to do stage 3 which is 2 hours of quite dangerous moves including stacking 5 abreast and side by side chain ganging with changes of both riders change at the same time . The instructors reccomend doing stage 2 again for more track time and confidence . I just ponder it for a while


Legendary Member
Although I've got this week off work, today was the first day where nothing needed doing around the house, nothing else was planned and the weather was good so I was out of the house at an early (for me) time of 11am. The planned route was effectively a repeat of one I did in April, as it would get the strong north easterly headwind out of the way in the first half, so the rest would be either with a tail or side wind.

The one good thing about the wind was that it took the edge of the heat so it was a beautiful, bright sunny day with the temperature being just right for me. Outward into the wind, to Woodbridge, skirting Rendlesham Forest to Hollesley, then up to Tunstall, across to Wickham Market and keep going all the way to Coddenham - simply because I love the descent round the left hander at the Church! After that it was head into and through Ipswich.

On the way out of town I picked up a puncture and had to swap out the tube, resulting in a Strava segment average speed of 2.2mph and last place of 1714 riders! As compensation a coffee & cake stop was made at The Stables in Brightwell at dead on 60 miles before completing the last 7 miles home for May's metric century.
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