First ride since last Sunday - work keeps getting in the way of having an actual life...
Anyhow, bright and sunny but with a frost on the ground and the cars this morning when I pulled back the curtains, so wrapped up warm and out on the road bike just after 8 am.
In a rudimentary sort of way, I'd noticed that the wind was going to be from the north-west, so headed out to Otley on the basis that at least it would be behind me on the way back. Plus it would give me a chance to ride some of the roads being used by the TdY next weekend...
Out on Coal Road and across the A58 and down to Shadwell, turning left for the long climb up Main Street, which is in serious need of resurfacing. Reached the top and enjoyed the brief downhill before the climb up to Slaid Hill lights, where it was a quick right at the shops and left at the pub onto Wigton Lane and the run straight into the wind down to the A61. By 'eck it was chilly, even though I was layered up.

Across the A61 at Alwoodley Gates and straight on, climbing up Alwoodley Lane to King Lane, where it was right again all the way to Golden Acre Park and then up the hill heading for Black Hill Road (although I missed
@Old jon who also rode this way at some point today). Off the cliff at the top and plunged down the 20% hill, hitting 39.1 mph

before sanity got the better of me and I reined it in around the corners and reached the A659 turning left along the valley bottom.
Through Arthington and the signs for the TdY and on to Pool-in-Wharfdale, bearing right at the roundabout and crossing the River Wharf.
Next left and on past the farms, getting passed by a couple of racing snakes and taking the narrow bridge over the River Washburn and climbing up the hill to Farnley.
What a glorious day it was by this point. The sun was still shining and the temperature had finally started to rise - all was good in the world!
Past Farnley Hall and then the rapid descent into Newall and Otley, passing quite a few cyclists heading up the hill before stopping (as is now traditional) at Wharf Meadows Park for a drink and a couple of pics in the St Georges Day sunshine...
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Refreshed it was back on the bike and over the bridge into Otley proper which seemed even busier than usual.
I usually press straight on through Otley, but stopped to make a purchase in honour of a fellow forumite:
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Back on the bike with a couple of Weegman's Award Winning Pork Pies safely stashed for later, I rode on past Chevin Cycles and started the climb up to the A660 and the long ascent up to the Dyneley Arms.
It's a fast road, but most of the motorists were playing the game today so it almost passed without incident...until just before the S bend a couple in a silver Fiesta passed me (no problem there), before indicating to turn left down Old Pool Bank (fine, they had enough room), but then stopped dead in the entrance to the road, blocking the lane for reasons that can only have made sense to them (they had ample room to continue), forcing me to all but stop as the car that was overtaking me (with enough room) suddenly found itself with nowhere to go, leaving me in a similar predicament. Fortunately the first car then moved forward a couple of feet leaving me enough room to pass behind them...

Anyhow, carrying on round the bends and down to the lights, then a quick and mainly downhill run through Bramhope

Left onto Kings Road for the climb up past the quarry, then right and down past Golden Acre park and onto King lane, where I passed a family ride out on their MTBs - all having a good time, showing good bike craft on a surprisingly busy stretch of road and with all the motorists being sensible - see it
can be done!

They all turned off towards Eccup and I carried on past the golf course and the climb up to Alwoodley Lane, where I retraced my earlier route all the way to Shadwell - although mainly downhill now, apart from the climb up from Alwoodley Gates.
Right at the end of Shadwell village I was passed by a Smart car in Team Sky livery - out scouting the route for next weekend perhaps?

Up Coal Road, crossing the A58 again, and noticing I needed a couple of extra miles for a metric half century, turned onto Skeltons Lane where a proper racing snake passed me with a cheery 'morning'.
It's flat on here, the wind was behind me and I was nearly home so I thought I'd have a go at staying with him. Bad idea. He was like a machine! I was doing over 20 mph and he was leaving me for dead...

Anyway, moving swiftly on, it was right onto Thorner Lane and then left onto the A64 for a quick run up to the Scholes turning. I got a gap in traffic so moved onto the ghost island early to avoid any conflict nearer the junction, passing another cyclist heading the other way who was doing exactly the same...

Right towards Scholes and up over the former railway bridge onto Main Street, where I was passed by an elderly couple in a Skoda (no problem with the pass), who, on spotting the locals out putting up bunting for the TdY, then stamped on the brakes and started pointing at them. They set off and then they performed an emergency stop when they had right of way, swerving in at a 30 degree angle nearly touching the kerb and forcing me to stop.
This appallingly bad driving continued the whole way through the village, with jerky and unnecessary braking / swerving (or both) every time they saw another car, pedestrian (on the footpath) or any more bunting...

Needless to say, I dropped well back and kept out of their way.
Fortunately they carried straight on at the Coronation Tree, while I turned right down Leeds Road and headed for home.
33.33 miles (53.63 km) in
2 hrs 27 mins at an average of
13.6 mph, with
1,900 ft climbed. A good morning on the bike in near perfect conditions that not even two numpties could take the shine off. And another metric half in the bag - that will do for me.
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PS - those pork pies were blooming delicious. Apparently I should now make a pork pie stop every time I go through Otley...