Saturday's for miles, Sunday's for smiles (and if you believe that you'll believe anything

), so it was out on the hybrid this morning for a familiar loop to stretch the legs and make the most of the big yellow circle in the sky.
Much better at getting sorted and out of the door than yesterday, up to the Ring Road using a short stretch of the Cycle not so Super Highway (CNSSH), then onto Limewood Approach and a swift downhill scoot through the northern extremities of Seacroft down to Wetherby Road and onto the Wyke Beck Way (WBW) just below Roundhay Park, where I passed another cyclist heading in the opposite direction - a first for this section, maybe word is getting out?

Through the woods and out onto Easterly Road, then the easy run down Arthurs Rein and across the beck onto Fearnville Fields, avoiding the pedestrians and dog walkers who seem to think they own the path...
Over South Parkway Approach and Foundry Lane and back over the beck and up onto Killingbeck Fields, passing a jogger (who gave me room) and another pedestrian (who didn't)

and the ascent to Killingbeck Office / Retail Park where the route is still diverted into the Office Park around the CNSSH works depot where they were working (on a Sunday - probably due to the fact it's now 4 months overdue and still nowhere near finished...).
Hit the traffic lights across York Rd just right and up into the Sutton Estate and over the railway line into Primrose Valley Park. Still a bit of broken glass about, but nowhere near as bad as last time. Then the fast descent down to the exit onto Lucy Avenue and then Selby Road, where I turned left up the hill in the cycle lane, missing out the WBW section through Halton Moor.
Up the hill to the lights, through the dangerous and poorly laid out cycle provision to turn right onto Temple Newsam Road before taking a short gravelly section of NCN R66 back across the golf course

and picking up the Temple Newsam Trail through the woods. A bit muddy given all the recent rain, but good fun as always.
Eventually the fun ended and it was back out onto the tarmac service road parallel to the M1 and up the hill, before plunging down the other side.
Any hopes of a run up to gain momentum for the killer Cat 5 climb back up into the park were dashed by another ignorant dog walker, who despite being aware I was approaching made no effort to bring her two dogs under control, forcing me to virtually stop to avoid squashing one of them. A hard slog up the hill followed, with the granny ring brought into use

then round and up to the hill overlooking the city for a drink and a photo:
Round the back of the house on some very muddy tracks, then along The Avenue to the Lodge and back onto NCN R66.
A mix of good / ignorant peds, then across the road and onto the cycleway through Colton, the eventually to School Lane and the slog up to the Ring Road.
Across there into Austhorpe, then down onto Thorp Park and then the bridleway section over the M1 and down to Garforth, where again progress was checked by non-sharers on the shared route.
Quickish run to Garforth on the tarmac, then left under the railway bridge and back on Nanny Goat Lane past the riding school and the fun descent on the bridleway under the M1 and out to Manston Lane, where I had a slight pause whilst a horse and rider negotiated the gate.
Back up past the Pet Hotel (or kennels, as they used to be called...) where it looks like prep work for the new dual carriageway might have started as they are drilling / excavating in one of the fields and have set up a small site office

Up onto Pendas Fields, a quick run down to Barwick Road, then my final numpty of the day who refused to let me turn right despite the fact he was having to stop for a pedestrian crossing and deliberately stopped short of the crossing, blocking my way.

Then up to home!
16.5 miles (26.55km) in a steady
1 hr 32 mins at an average of
10.7 mph with
971 ft climbed.
I'll take that for a sunny Sunday morning, given the amount of numpties that were out. I might have to start getting out earlier to avoid them...