Your ride today....

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Mrs M

Out on the road bike today, accompanied by Mr M.
Felt strange as not ridden it for a while.
Forced to take a detour, as due to AWPR (Aberdeen bypass) a road was closed, so longer ride than planned.
After the first half hour of torture got into the swing and enjoyed it. Not been that route for a few months and lots of digging up for the new road going on :ohmy:
Met some ponies and teeny lambs (they ran away). Passed two pairs of roadies, wave and hello from all :hello:
plus a guy on a mountain bike. Aching and a bit tired so must have been a decent workout :smile:

mark st1

Plastic Manc
Leafy Berkshire
Another solo ride for moi as last weeks cycling buddy got caught up in the diy trap by swmbo :laugh:. Another lovely day considering how Grey it looked shed load of happy friendly cyclists out and about ended up at the cycle cafe at Warren Row which was absaloutly rammed. A load of club riders in there from various clubs I may have to investigate joining one this Lone Ranger stuff gets a bit boring. After a cracking Latte headed for home. This was my first ride back clipped in had to stop for a little tweaking but overall felt pretty good no unusual aches and pains (apart from this shitty cold which is now entering its 4th week :surrender:). A shape under 33 miles in just over 1 hour 53 mins. Getting fitter :thumbsup:


Legendary Member
newton aycliffe
after yesterdays ride I felt I should see if the old legs could cope with 2 rides in a row:ohmy: so up early and decided to have a run to normal training loop as I wanted to be back in time for the Sunderland match^_^ getting there was great even with a slight head wind.. but on the return leg it had changed :cry: meant the old legs were feeling it once I got to piercebridge..I think I was peddling squares :laugh:...getting close to kick off I had to go past Archers ice cream parlour:cry::cry:and straight home ...arrived 5 mins before start of match:okay: knackered but pleased I went out
2016-03-20 10.00.01.jpg

first jelly babies stop just before you drop to the ford
2016-03-20 10.04.15.jpg

spring lambs
2016-03-20 11.02.42.jpg

refuelling the engine ..mmmmm


Legendary Member
Cracking day for a bike ride. Took some of the youths from the bike club down into deepest, darkest East Ayrshire. 12 of us all togetherThe route was through Strathaven towards Muirkirk then Sorn and Galston before heading back through the lanes of the Irvine valley. Those pesky youths are strong, I got dropped on a couple of climbs and had to dig in to get back on to the bunch. By the time I got home I was just short of 132km with 2000m of climbing. Refuelling as we speak...


Poped back to Wakerley this afternoon..
nice day for a mtb session..i decided to see how dry its got off piste..some was ok but i managed to find the usual woodland bog fest..i like washing and cleaning so ploughed through..
Brambles were painfully long and my legs got shredded...
good ride tho and a few about..



Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
A solo blast for me today. Everyone else was either busy or wanted a lie in. So up with the lark and out of the door nice and early. As I was on my own I decided not to hang about. Just get the miles in, so no photo's today. I decided to head for one my old favourite routes to Ashford and back. A ride of 4 parts. The first 20 miles are of the quite hilly undulating kind, the next 30 are pretty flat. And so in reverse for the return trip. Nice to bomb along for a good while along deserted country lanes. Then back to reality with a fair bit of climbing to get back to home. I wanted to get some future Eddington miles, so added a few extra miles to the ride. The weather was chilly but the sun did make an appearance for all of 5 minutes. With hardly any rain for the last week, the lanes were nice and dry and it was nice to get home with a fairly clean bike for a change. A quick rub down with a babywipe and finished off with polish cloth was all that was needed before being tucked away in the bike shed.

So.. 113 miles for the day. Century ride # 7 for 2016, 173 over all and a few future Eddington miles in the pot.
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Legendary Member
Nice steady, okay not steady, a nice really slow 30 miles today with our lass. Usual Sunday route to Watermead and back which took us nearly 4 hours!

Was a bit warmer today and that really cold wind finally seems to have dropped so lots and lots of people out along the GCW and in Watermead.

Great to see a lot of families out on their bikes, especially the little uns as they give our lass a chance of a scalp :laugh:


Never used Über Member
Apologies - two rides to report today (again) as I ran out of time yesterday.

Yesterday I arranged to meet up with one of the lads who is doing the Vale Vélo with us next month (see sig below for details), who hasn't been out on his bike for a while. He's doing the ride on his mountain bike, with semi-slick road tyres fitted, so I took the hybrid rather than the road bike to even things out a bit.
Quick ride down to the station to meet him from the train, then up the hill to Austhorpe and a brief off road venture through Thorp Park and down to Garforth on NCN R66 rather than the dual carriageway hell hole that is the A6120/A63.
Left at Garforth and up Long Lane to Barwick, then through Aberford to Lotherton Hall, where we stopped at the cafe for refreshments:

It was commented on that it's better to have a Stable cafe, rather than an unstable one. Across the courtyard was the Accessible Toilet which is always preferable to an inaccessible one...:laugh:
Back on the bikes and on to Saxton , then the uphill climb towards Towton. He was struggling a bit at this point, particularly with the hills due to mainly riding on tow paths and the like, but we stuck with it and got him sorted - we had all day so what are a few breathers? Down the hill and left into Stutton, where we resisted the temptation to ride up Fanny Lane, sticking to the main road and tackling the Garnet Hill climb (sorry!) and over the A64 bridge. Straight across at the crossroads heading towards Bramham, but then turned up Warren Lane to shorten the route a little. Out onto Paradise Way, round Bramham Crossroads and the long mainly downhill run into Aberford.
Fair play, he was sticking with it but was struggling a little at points, so we decided to head for Garforth and his train home by the most direct route, NCN R66 off road through Parlington Woods. :hyper:
Dropped him at the station with just under 28 miles on the clock, so a decent achievement under the circumstances and further that the 20 mile or so ride I'd promised him. Once he'd caught his train I headed homeward mainly cross country via Nanny Goat Lane and the bridleway down to Manston Lane, then up to home.
A good days riding all in all with loads of cyclist out and about.

32.53 miles (52.35 km) in 3 hrs 2 m (moving time), at a moving average of 10.7 mph and 1824 ft climbed. My first metric half on the hybrid in ages too. ^_^

Then after a shower and some snap, out to see Paul Heaton and Jacqui Abbott at the Leeds Arena - possibly the best gig I've ever been to :okay:

Todays ride report to follow shortly...;)
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My ride today was my first in 67 days. At a mere 12.4km it won't break any records but it was over 50 times further than my last ride on January 13th when I came a cropper on black ice resulting in a distal-radius fracture.

Today was simply a straight out and back to see how my wrist held up. Thankfully it felt fine during the ride but I didn't want to push it as I reckoned it would likely come back and bite me later. I'm relieved to say that's not been the case so can being to look at planning further rides now and get my London 2 Paris training back on plan :smile:


Pendle, Lancs
The Tigress and I are just back from a week's holiday, based near Ringwood on the edge of the New Forest. Loaded the caravan up and put our CX bikes on the car roof. We both have a set of on-road wheels and a set of off-road wheels, so can go pretty much anywhere.

Took the Lymington to Yarmouth IOW ferry as foot passengers with our bikes. We rode a loop from Yarmouth, through Cowes and back to Yarmouth. All on quiet roads, making a very pleasant ride. 31.83 miles.

Off road from Ringwood on New Forest trails. A loop through Burley and back to Ringwood. 15.98 miles.

Off road again, from Ringwood via the Castleman Trailway to Upton Country Park and back. 39.26 miles.

Back home now, so a local hilly loop of only 12.41 miles.

All our rides have been quite sedate as the Tigress is fighting her way back to fitness after some major surgery last October. She's doing great I'm pleased to report.


Never used Über Member
Right on to todays ride:

Absolutely glorious weather this morning, so nice to get out in a few fewer layers than usual. Out on the hybrid again, making this the first weekend that the road bike hasn't had an airing since I bought it...
I'd also like to officially announce the first public outing of my legs this morning as the shorts made their first appearance of the year :eek:
After last weeks ride on the Wyke Beck Way (WBW) I decided to do a similar route, but missing out the less salubrious bit.
Over the Ring Road and down through the top part of Seacroft to Wetherby Road, then onto the WBW just below Roundhay Park. Through the woods and out to Easterly Road, then the easy run down to Fearnville Fields. Lots and lots of dog walkers out - some better aware of their surroundings than others. Bloody dog walkers not paying any cycleway tax...:cursing::laugh::laugh:
Up and across Killingbeck, where I passed another cyclist (a first on the WBW!) and across York Road and through the Sutton Estate and over the railway line into Primrose Valley. A warning here as there was a lot of broken glass on the shared path at various points - virtually all of it on the side marked as cycle path, so someone clearly has an axe to grind. Tosspots. Fortunately I got through unscathed.
Onto Selby Road and instead of following the signs onto Halton Moor, turned left up the hill using the cycle lane on the dual carriageway. Right at the top of the hill by Lidl using what appears to be an unnecessarily complicated and dangerous series of cycle lanes onto Temple Newsam Road, intending to pick up the trail through the woods. I went slightly wrong following cycleway signs for the city centre, but was soon back on track.
The trail found, it was down the hill (lots of lovely loose gravelly stuff :hyper:), across the golf course and down through the woods, having even more fun than I did on this section last time.
At the end of the trail, back onto the tarmac access round and up the hill, down the other side and then the slog up the big hill back into Temple Newsam Park. Blooming front mech wouldn't change down onto the small cog, so I had to do it all on the middle one :heat: although of course it's since been changing like a dream after getting to the top :cursing:
Pause for a photo and a drink by the house:

It was really warm stopped in the sunshine and I was almost tempted to shed a layer, but once back on the bike I was glad I hadn't as the breeze still had a chill to it.
Round the house and down the carriage drive, then onto the shared path (NCN R66) and various tuts / deliberate blocks from pedestrians who clearly don't understand the frequent blue signs with pictures of a bike on them. Still, it gave me a rounded set of opinions with motorists wanting me off the road and pedestrians wanting me off the (cycle) path...:wacko:
Through Colton, then up School Lane, across Selby Road at the crossing (cyclists allowed!) and up to Thorp Park, onto the bridleway and the climb up to the bridge over the M1 then the quick descent to Garforth on the other side.
Back on Nanny Goat Lane then the bridleway, the tunnel under the M1 and down onto Manston Lane, where some sort of cross country running race seemed to be going on, then up to Pendas Fields and round to home.

16.8 miles (27.03 km) in a smidge under 1 hr 33 m at an average of 10.9 mph, with 984 ft climbed. Not bad for primarily off road riding, plus the need to modify speed on the shared sections, so I'll take that for a sunny Sunday morning. Plus I set a PB on one section. And when I got in Mrs ND had been baking chocolate cake, so is good in the world ^_^


Loads of people out today enjoying the weather, strangely only 5 of us turned up for the club ride to Knutsford. It was the furthest I'd cycled since September and only my second metric century. On the way up the hill, nearly home, the bike computer said 59 miles so I had to ride around a bit obviously! - I was so tired that those important last few miles took a while.
A very enjoyable ride through the countryside despite a few impatient drivers. Lots of new lambs to spot, as well as alpacas and horses. The other woman on the ride had never noticed any of the carved owls around Mobberley and Ashley, and wouldn't have today if I hadn't pointed them out to her! I saw the carved face in the tree today because we were going in the opposite direction down that particular lane than I've been before.
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