Sunshine! Almost forgotten what it looked like, bit cold to really dose up on vitamin D as I was mostly covered up, but was back on the fingerless gloves so my digits are vitamined up at least. Went for a dawdle out to Greenwich and a photo of the metropolis which was glistening in the sun.
Then along the river where the Tonka toys were out, the driver waved me through just before this pic but I still felt he might gobble me up in his grab at any minute.
A bit further along and the green of spring is visible, even if it is courtesy of some algae.
A very pleasant day to be out on the bike, just 28 miles around town, not straying too far from the river, lovely stuff. This ride took the total elevation of my rides I've bothered to record on RidewithGPS to over 1,000,000 feet, which has taken me since 2011 to do, over 692 rides and a distance of 18,263 miles to clock up.
At over 85kg and an inherently lazy bar steward that makes me feel rather pleased with myself, I think some reward cake is in order.